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[Question #251795]: Sikuli don't click


New question #251795 on Sikuli:

I'm using Sikuli with Netbeans (Java).
I'm using class to orgazine my fuctions and I'm having problems with it.

I have these functions:

-driver.InserirDriver("IR","Biblioteca", "AR CONDICIONADO", "CARRIER", "SPRINGER");

First function I open a window and do what I have to do, and second function I close that window. The problem is here, because when I try to close this windows the Sikuli don't do it. If I put the function "FecharBiblioteca()" before of "InserirDriver()" the window is closed, but in this case with the function  "FecharBiblioteca()" coming after it's not happen.

This is a part of code from the function FecharBiblioca:
Pattern fechar = new Pattern("D:\\Automação Sikuli\\trunk\\Imagens Config\\Drivers\\fecharLib.png");
Region biblioteca = new Region(407,123,786,610);

if(biblioteca.exists(fechar.similar(similaridade), timeout) != null)
          try {
          catch (FindFailed ex) {
              Logger.getLogger(Drivers.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "Não foi possível fechar a biblioteca de drivers!", ex);

What can be?
Tks for all.

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