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Message #27439
[Question #252592]: How to determine which screen my application is running on?
New question #252592 on Sikuli:
Hello RaiMan,
I have been using Sikuli for about a week now and I have run into a problem when dealing with multi-monitor environments and would like to ask you for some help.
I have been through this ( post regarding using Sikuli in multi-monitor environments. The problem I'm facing is that i do not know before hand which screen my application will launch into (the application is started from the Sikuli script itself using subprocess.popen().
In the above post the below lines get the screen of "Chrome":
aChrome = App("Chrome") # to be adapted for Windows
SCR1 = aChrome.window().getScreen()
My question is: is there any way of doing this in Windows 7?
Thanks in advance! :)
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