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Message #28242
Re: [Question #254534]: ocr parameters in java
Question #254534 on Sikuli changed:
RaiMan proposed the following answer:
-- but I did a fresh install and lost it
no problem. was only curious.
Until now all freely available OCR solutions somehow rely on Tesseract.
So it might have been, there was something I did not know yet.
-- I did not found anything really handy
… ok, agreed. It mainly shows an overall picture of desperation with Sikuli's oct feture ;-)
the only thing of value might be:
you might implement some training data into the tesseract folder as a different language pack.
to select this pack and make sure it is used:
another thing is:
you might try to improve your images for Sikuli's OCR using any Java graphics features or any available graphics library.
With the latest 1.1.0 preversion you might then use Image.text() to read equivalently to Region.text().
For details, you have to look into javadocs for now, but generally:
BufferedImage better; // some before somehow improved image
Image imgBetter = Image.create(better);
String text = imgBetter.text()
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