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Re: [Question #255700]: Sikuli 1.0.1 RunSetup: Functional test Jython did not work


Question #255700 on Sikuli changed:

Description changed to:
I'm trying to setup sikuli.
Have been able to setup on first computer which is connected to internet. But cannot setup on second computer that is not connected to internet.
Downloaded sikuli-setup.jar and Sukuli-1.0.1-Offline-Setup-IDE-option1.zip.
Firstly i executed jar inside c:\sikuli\xc. After runSetup has been created; i created Downloads directory and copied 1.0.1-1.jar into that folder. And i ran runSetup. After i selected first choice, setup started; but, it has been completed with an error message: "terminated abnormally".
I'm pasting content of SikuliX-1.0.1-SetupLog below.
Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: SikuliX Setup Build: 1.0.1 12NOV2013120000
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: ... starting with no args given
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\sikuli\xc\libs
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\jrockit\bin
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\ant\bin
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\app\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Windows\system32
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Windows
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Windows\System32\Wbem
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: syspath: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:07)] RunSetup: user home: C:\Users\mahmut
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:11)] RunSetup: RunningSystem: Windows 6.1
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:11)] RunSetup: parent of jar/classes: C:/sikuli/xc/
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:11)] RunSetup: RunningJava: Java 6 (x86) 1.6.0_45-b06
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:11)] RunSetup: ... could not detect whether Sikuli is used the first time on this system
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:18)] RunSetup: main: Copied from local Download: 1.0.1-1.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:18)] RunSetup: Download ended
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:18)] RunSetup: adding native stuff to sikuli-ide.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:18)] FileManager: buildJar: C:\sikuli\xc\sikuli-temp.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:18)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: C:\sikuli\xc\sikuli-ide.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:25)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: C:\sikuli\xc\sikuli-setup.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:31)] FileManager: buildJar: completed
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:31)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Trying to access package
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:31)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Accessing jar: file:/C:/sikuli/xc/sikuli-setup.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Found 1 Files in Commands/windows/runIDE.cmd
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] RunSetup: trying to set up the environment
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: we are running on arch: x86
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: using Java at: M:/sfw/jrockit/jre/
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: No valid libs path available until now!
[action (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: check: Please wait! Trying to extract libs to jar parent folder: C:/sikuli/xc/
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: extractLibs: Accessing jar: file:/C:/sikuli/xc/sikuli-setup.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: extractLibs: Found 14 Files in META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Trying to access package
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:32)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Accessing jar: file:/C:/sikuli/xc/sikuli-setup.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Found 0 Files in META-INF/libs/tessdata
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: C:\sikuli\xc\libs
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: WinUtil
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Found: WinUtil
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Fatal Error 110: loading: WinUtil.dll
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Since native library was found, it might be a problem with needed dependent libraries
Can't load library: C:\sikuli\xc\libs\WinUtil.dll
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Check, wether a valid Sikuli libs folder is in system path at runtime!
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: loadLib: Running Setup: ignoring this error for now
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: checkLibsDir: Using libs at: C:\sikuli\xc\libs
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:33)] ResourceLoaderBasic: export: Using this as OCR directory (tessdata) too
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] RunSetup: Trying to run functional test: running Jython statements via SikuliScript
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] SikuliX: before adding to classpath: C:\sikuli\xc\sikuli-ide.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] SikuliX: 0: file:/C:/sikuli/xc/sikuli-setup.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] SikuliX: after adding to classpath
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] SikuliX: 0: file:/C:/sikuli/xc/sikuli-setup.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] SikuliX: 1: file:/C:/sikuli/xc/sikuli-ide.jar
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:38)] RunSetup: trying to run testSetup.sikuli using SikuliScript
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:41)] SikuliX Jython Support Build: 1.0.1 12SEP2013160248
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:42)] JythonScriptRunner: : executeScriptHeader: adding SikuliX Lib path to sys.path
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:42)] Jython: sikuli: __init__: entering
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:43)] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: entering
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:43)] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: constants
[debug (14.10.2014 10:02:43)] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: import Region
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:43)] RunSetup: null
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:46)] RunSetup: Functional test Jython did not work
[error (14.10.2014 10:02:46)] RunSetup: ... terminated abnormally :-(

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