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Re: [Question #257205]: still nothing...details of what I have tried below


Question #257205 on Sikuli changed:

joel gave more information on the question:
is there some way for me to download the old version?...I used it 2 
years ago...same computer...worked very well for me then...this new 
version does nothing on my comp...NOTHING
wont load at all ...I am sure there is a way to use this new version, 
but no one in the community will spend even 5 minutes to try to help me 
...why is that?

On 11/11/2014 12:26 PM, RaiMan wrote:
> Your question #257205 on Sikuli changed:
> https://answers.launchpad.net/sikuli/+question/257205
>      Status: Open => Answered
> RaiMan proposed the following answer:
> try out version 1.1.0 nightly build
> http://sikulix.com

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