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Message #29312
[Question #257823]: (1.10) Sikuli program can't run anymore with unknown reason
New question #257823 on Sikuli:
System: Sikuli 1.1.0
Operation system: iMac with 10.10, JAVA is JAVA 7 v71
Sikuli program saved in my desktop with a new created folder called Sikuli
I have run Sikuli v.1.1.0 for several weeks after I upgraded to 10.10.
One day, when I launched this program and tried to run it, it couldn't work for me anymore.
It's wired that I can launch program and start the script, but it's stopped immediately, and doesn't show any message in bottom table. (if i used wrong language to write script, program will stop at that line, but this situation is totally different. Nothing happened )
In terminal monitor, I type /Applications/ -d 3 -c. below is information
-bash: /Applications/ No such file or directory
Appreciate your support!
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