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[Question #257973]: Sikuli Running Remotely


New question #257973 on Sikuli:


    I'll try to keep this short - but still want to provide details for accuracy and clarity.  I apologize if this has been answered.  Here are the details.

 Using a framework using python to wrap Sikuli - i.e. python function clickX(); sikuli contained in clickX()

Goal:  Execute python script on one computer (windows) on network.  Script tests software on other PCs on network (windows & linux).  I will have multiple scripts, each responsible for testing different software on different PCs (not simultaneously).

To further explain/clarify:

PC 1 (windows):  Has Python scripts and sikuli
PC 2 (windows):  Has software requiring testing
PC 3 (linux):  Has software requiring testing

PC 1 is not limited to what is installed or contained on the  hard drive (software test tool)

PC 2 & PC 3 are part of the product/software under test - configuration control of system under test prohibits installing anything on top of the system computers (i.e., can't install VNC or any other remote access tools/software/service on PCs contained in the system under test).

PC 1, PC 2 , and PC 3 are not headless (they all have monitors)
Does anyone know how I can accomplish this task?  If so, I'm interested in knowing and understanding the details of how to accomplish this.

Also, If I could obtain the python code to accomplish this, that would be fantastic.  Or I guess I could use sikuli code and create a wrapper.   Either way, If code already exists and it was provided to me I'd be very grateful.   It has been a while since I wrote scripts/programs - getting my feet wet again.

Good Day - Thank You

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