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[Question #258364]: using offline setup with option 5 tessdata folder not found


New question #258364 on Sikuli:


Win7 x86 based, offline setup with option 5:

Previous install I didn't selete option 5 so there was't tessdata folder under setupfolder\libs, so I deleted all binary except download folder and sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar.

Installation succeedes, below is the log:
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:17)] Debug: setLogFile: D:\backup\sikulix\SikuliX-1.1.0-SetupLog.txt
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:17)] RunSetup: ... starting with no args given
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:17)] RunSetup: Setup in: D:\backup\sikulix
using: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:17)] RunSetup: SikuliX Setup Build: 1.1.0 2014-10-30_01:00nightly
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:17)] RunSetup: 
popInfo: --------------------
Please read carefully before proceeding!!
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:19)] RunSetup: RunningSystem: Windows 6.1
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:19)] RunSetup: parent of jar/classes: D:\backup\sikulix
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:19)] RunSetup: RunningJava: Java 7 (x86) 1.7.0_17-b02
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:23)] RunSetup: main: Prefs: <entry key="ProxyName" value=""/>
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:23)] RunSetup: main: Prefs: <entry key="ProxyIP" value=""/>
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:23)] RunSetup: main: Prefs: <entry key="ProxyPort" value=""/>
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:23)] FileManager: deleteFileOrFolder: D:\backup\sikulix\SikuliPrefs.txt
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:23)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
The following file(s) will be downloaded to
--- Native support libraries for Windows (sikulixlibs...)
--- Package 1 ---
1.1.0-1.jar (IDE/Scripting)
 - with Jython
--- Package 2 ---
1.1.0-2.jar (Java API)
--- Additions ---
1.1.0-3.jar (RemoteServer)
Only click NO, if you want to terminate setup now!
Click YES even if you want to use local copies in Downloads!
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:24)] ResourceLoader: SikuliX Package Build: 1.1.0 2014-10-30_01:00nightly
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:24)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
Setup/Downloads folder has: sikulixlibswin
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to download a fresh copy
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:25)] RunSetup: main: Copied from Downloads: sikulixlibswin
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:25)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
Setup/Downloads folder has: Java API
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to download a fresh copy
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:26)] RunSetup: main: Copied from Downloads: 1.1.0-2.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:26)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
Setup/Downloads folder has: IDE/Scripting
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to download a fresh copy
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:26)] RunSetup: main: Copied from Downloads: 1.1.0-1.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:26)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
Setup/Downloads folder has: Jython
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to download a fresh copy
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:27)] RunSetup: main: Copied from Downloads: jython-standalone-2.7-b2.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:27)] RunSetup: 
popAsk: --------------------
Setup/Downloads folder has: RemoteServer
Click YES, if you want to use this for setup processing
... or click NO, to download a fresh copy
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:28)] RunSetup: main: Copied from Downloads: 1.1.0-3.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:28)] RunSetup: adding needed stuff to sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:28)] FileManager: buildJar: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixtemp.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:28)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:29)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixlibswin.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:33)] FileManager: buildJar: completed
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:33)] RunSetup: renaming temp file to target jar:
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:33)] FileManager: deleteFileOrFolder: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:33)] RunSetup: adding needed stuff to sikulix.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:33)] FileManager: buildJar: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixtemp.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:33)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulix.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:36)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:41)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixjython.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:25:59)] FileManager: buildJar: adding: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixlibswin.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] FileManager: buildJar: completed
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] RunSetup: renaming temp file to target jar:
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] FileManager: deleteFileOrFolder: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulix.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] RunSetup: exporting commandfiles
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] ResourceLoader: export: Trying to access package for exporting: Commands/windows#runsikulix.cmd
to: D:\backup\sikulix
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] ResourceLoader: export: export with #: Commands/windows#runsikulix.cmd (Commands/windows)-(runsikulix.cmd) as Commands/windows/runsikulix.cmd
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] ResourceLoader: export: from: /D:/backup/sikulix/sikulixsetup-1.1.0.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:03)] ResourceLoader: export: Found 1 Files in Commands/windows/runsikulix.cmd
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] RunSetup: Trying to run functional test: JAVA-API
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] Sikulix: addToClasspath: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] ResourceLoader: jar supposed to contain the libs:
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] RunSetup: trying to run org.sikuli.script.Sikulix.testSetup()
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] ResourceLoader: export: Trying to access package for exporting: #Lib/
to: D:\backup\sikulix
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] ResourceLoader: export: export with #: #Lib/ ()-(Lib/) as Lib/
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:06)] ResourceLoader: export: from: D:/backup/sikulix/sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:07)] ResourceLoader: export: Found 52 Files in Lib/
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:07)] RunSetup: class found: class org.sikuli.script.Sikulix
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:07)] RunSetup: getMethod: public static boolean org.sikuli.script.Sikulix.testSetup()
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:09)] RunSetup: invoke: public static boolean org.sikuli.script.Sikulix.testSetup()
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:09)] ResourceLoader: check: we are running on arch: x86
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:09)] ResourceLoader: check: using Java at: C:/Program Files/Java/jre7/
[error (14-11-28 11:26:09)] ResourceLoader: check: No valid libs path available until now!
[log (14-11-28 11:26:09)] ResourceLoader: check: Please wait! Trying to extract libs to jar parent folder: 
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:09)] ResourceLoader: extractLibs: from: D:/backup/sikulix/sikulixapi.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: extractLibs: Found 17 Files in META-INF/libs/windows/libs32/
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: trying: D:\backup\sikulix\libs
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: Running on Windows - checking system path!
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: Added libs dir to path: D:\backup\sikulix\libs
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: D:\backup\sikulix\libs;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System3...
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: checking ClassLoader.usrPaths having: D:\backup\sikulix\libs
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:10)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: added to ClassLoader.usrPaths
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] ResourceLoader: loadLib: Now loaded: VisionProxy from: 
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] ResourceLoader: checkLibsDir: Using libs at: D:\backup\sikulix\libs
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Screen: initScreens: ScreenDevice 0 contains (0,0) --- will be used as primary
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Screen: initScreens: basic initialization (1 Screen(s) found)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Screen: *** monitor configuration (primary: 0) ***
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Screen: 0: S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Screen: *** end monitor configuration ***
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Mouse: init
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] KeyBoard: init
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Image: BufferedImage: (100, 100)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Finder: Image: __BufferedImage__: (100x100)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder setup with image worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:11)] FileManager: tempfile create:
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:12)] Image: loaded: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png (file:C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:12)] Image: cached: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png (29 KB) (# 1 KB 29 -- 0 % of 64 MB)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:12)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder setup with image file worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:12)] Region: find: waiting 3.0 secs for C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-4657685287409968424.png to appear in S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:12)] Image: reused: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png (file:C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Region: find: C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-4657685287409968424.png has appeared 
at M[0,0 100x100]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]) S:1.00 C:50,50 [662/661 msec]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Sikulix: testSetup: Screen.find(imagefile) worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Region: find: waiting 3.0 secs for C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-4657685287409968424.png to appear in S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Image: reused: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png (file:C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-4657685287409968424.png)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Region: checkLastSeen: still there
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Region: find: C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-4657685287409968424.png has appeared 
at M[0,0 100x100]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]) S:1.00 C:50,50 [14/14 msec]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:13)] Sikulix: testSetup: repeated Screen.find(imagefile) worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:15)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder.find: worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:15)] Sikulix: addToClasspath: D:\backup\sikulix\sikulix.jar
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:15)] ResourceLoader: jar supposed to contain the libs:
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:15)] RunSetup: Jython: Trying to run functional test: running script statements via SikuliScript
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:18)] ScriptRunner: initScriptingSupport: enter
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:18)] JythonScriptRunner: init: setting java environment python.path: 
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:19)] ScriptRunner: initScriptingSupport: added: jython
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:19)] ScriptRunner: initScriptingSupport: exit with defaultrunner: jython (py)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:21)] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: starting init
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:24)] ResourceLoader: loadLib: Now loaded: WinUtil from: 
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:24)] Jython: requested to use as default region: R[0,0 1920x1080]@S(0)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:24)] Jython: sikuli: Sikuli: ending init
[error (14-11-28 11:26:24)] ImagePath: setBundlePath: invalid BundlePath: null 
using working folder: D:\backup\sikulix
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:24)] ImagePath: new BundlePath: D:/backup/sikulix
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:24)] Running Jython: 2.7b2 (default:a5bc0032cf79+, Apr 22 2014, 21:20:17) 
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:24)] Jython: requested to use as default region: R[0,0 1920x1080]@S(0)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] JythonScriptRunner: runPython: running statements
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Image: BufferedImage: (100, 100)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Finder: Image: __BufferedImage__: (100x100)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder setup with image worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] FileManager: tempfile create:
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Image: loaded: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png (file:C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Image: cached: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png (29 KB) (# 2 KB 58 -- 0 % of 64 MB)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder setup with image file worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Region: find: waiting 3.0 secs for C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-3145876941983395690.png to appear in S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Image: reused: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png (file:C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Region: find: C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-3145876941983395690.png has appeared 
at M[0,0 100x100]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]) S:1.00 C:50,50 [742/742 msec]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Sikulix: testSetup: Screen.find(imagefile) worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Region: find: waiting 3.0 secs for C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-3145876941983395690.png to appear in S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Image: reused: C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png (file:C:/Users/Z00280~1/AppData/Local/Temp/Sikulix/sikuli-3145876941983395690.png)
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Region: checkLastSeen: still there
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Region: find: C:\Users\Z00280~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix\sikuli-3145876941983395690.png has appeared 
at M[0,0 100x100]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]) S:1.00 C:50,50 [12/11 msec]
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:25)] Sikulix: testSetup: repeated Screen.find(imagefile) worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:27)] Sikulix: testSetup: Finder.find: worked
[debug (14-11-28 11:26:32)] RunSetup: ... SikuliX Setup seems to have ended successfully ;-)

However, after setup there is no tessdata folder under libs folder.

Anyone encountered this issue or any workaround is appreciated.


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