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Re: [Question #258406]: Confused about Jython example


Question #258406 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
Where did you get the example?
Depending on your Firefox (FF) "usage history" this simple approach might not work, because FF might have a bunch of invisible windows and the main window you see might not be window(0), which is returned by window().
Currently using window() does not check, wether the region representing the window is visible on the screen.

I recently setup a generic bunch of functions, that allow, to start FF
in a repeatable manner, get the only main window, navigate to an url and
wait for the webpage to be ready based on a visual content, that should
be there.

def ffStart(ffN = ffName, ffLoc = r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"):
  global ffName
  ffName = ffN
  ff = App.open(ffLoc)
  return ffGetWindow(App(ffName))

def ffGetWindow(ff = None):
  global ffName
  ffWin = None
  if not ff:
      return App(ffName).window(0)
  for i in range(3):
    if ff.window(0) == None:
    for i in range(100):
      ffWin = ff.window(i)
      if ffWin == None:
      if ffWin.w < 200:
  return ffWin
def ffStop():
  global ffName
  if ffGetWindow():
    ff = App.focus(ffName)
    while ffGetWindow(ff):
      ff = App.focus(ffName)
      type("w", Key.CTRL)

def ffGoto(url, waitFor = None, waitTime = 10):
  global ffName
  ff = App.focus(ffName)
  ffWin = ffGetWindow(ff)
  if ffWin:
    type("l", Key.CTRL)
    if waitFor:
      if not ffWin.exists(waitFor, waitTime):
        return None
      return ffWin.getLastMatch()
  return ffWin

--- usage
ffStop() # stop a current FF session to get a clean base
ffWin = ffStart() # start FF and get the main window
found = ffGoto(aURL, imgURLReady) # open the given url and wait for the image imgURLReady (default 10 secs)
if not found:
  print "could not open url"
# do something 
ffStop() # optional

go through the code, to understand the things behind the scene and usage

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