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[Question #259863]: Problem with Raw Strings


New question #259863 on Sikuli:

Sikuli version:  1.0.1

OS : Windows 8.1, 64-bit

When i use the following raw string inside the type() command, its works well without any errors.

cmdd=r'c:\Program Files\myapp.exe -x "c:\Some Place\some.txt" >..\log.txt'
#(it is one of the examples from the sikuli docs)

#I'm using the type command to type it on windows command prompt

But when i use this string(as mentioned below), sikuli gives an error as follows

[error] script [ *Untitled ] stopped with error in line 26
[error] java.lang.IllegalArgumentException ( java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot convert character � )

This is the code:

cm1=r'netsh interface ip set address name= ”Wi-Fi” static'

I don't whether its a bug or not? but when i tried this multiple times, sometimes it runs perfectly, sometimes it gives the error. But the first code like i said always runs successfully, but the second code gives the error. 

Kindly see to it if its a bug.
Thanks :)

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