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Re: [Question #260979]: How to get specific location/controller/element screenshot using sikuli with robot and java and webdriver


Question #260979 on Sikuli changed:

Description changed to:
My code is given below

WebDriver de = new FirefoxDriver();

              WebElement pi_logo = de.findElement(By.id("hplogo"));

Point co = pi_logo.getLocation();
		Dimension od = pi_logo.getSize();
		Integer  xcor = co.x;
		Integer yor= co.y;
		System.out.println("the value of x and y co ordinates are" + xcor + " and y are"+ yor);

               	Robot robot = new Robot();
		BufferedImage 	myScreenshot  = robot.createScreenCapture(new Rectangle(xcor,yor));
               ImageIO.write(myScreenshot, "jpg", new File("D:\\myScreenshot.jpg"));



The problem is that code is not capturing Google India image as a
screenshot,how with the help of sikuli i can get solution done? Expert,
pls advise, pls note cant use sikuli ide with its capture screenshot
button/icon as need to integrate with webdriver,robot

Best Regards,

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