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[Question #261208]: Sikuli robot framework integration


New question #261208 on Sikuli:


  I am  following below blog to run calculator test in my windows 7.  


  Now I got stucked in STEP 2. I am getting following error:

C:\Users\test\Desktop\Projects\Sikuli Projects\calc.sikuli>robottest.bat verif
Exception in thread "main" Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\test\Desktop\Projects\Sikuli Projects\calc.sikuli\robotframew
ork-2.5.5.jar\Lib\robot\__init__$py.class", line 16, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\test\Desktop\Projects\Sikuli Projects\calc.sikuli\Lib\os.py",
 line 118, in <module>
    raise ImportError, 'no os specific module found'
ImportError: no os specific module found

C:\Users\test\Desktop\Projects\Sikuli Projects\calc.sikuli>

My robottest.bat content:

@echo off

set sikulix_jar=C:\robot\libs\sikuli-script.jar
set robot_framework_jar=C:\Users\symbol\Desktop\Projects\Sikuli Projects\calc.sikuli\robotframework-2.5.5.jar

java -cp "%robot_framework_jar%;%sikulix_jar%" ^
     -Dpython.path="%sikulix_jar%/Lib" ^
     org.robotframework.RobotFramework ^
     --pythonpath=calc.sikuli ^
     --outputdir=results ^
     --loglevel=TRACE ^

 Could anyone please guide me on this.

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