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[Question #261290]: Sikuli with Robot frame work integration


New question #261290 on Sikuli:

Hello All,

I have started using Sikuli for all my routine activities. I came across the Robot framework tool and looks like integrating Sikuli with Robotframework is a good idea as I can find my test results straight away from the Jenkins output.

But I knew Integration is not that easy for the beginners as I faced many problems during the process.

I followed many websites where I am getting lost somewhere , So I have decided to get it done from the scratch.

As of now the steps that I have carried out has been described below,

Step-1   Downloaded the Sikuli IDE v1.0.1.
Step-2   Cloned the https://github.com/imikemo/Sikuli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration.git
Step-3   Changed the "robottest.bat" file from the path D:\myks_repo\Sikuli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration\calctest
                                                                   @echo off

                                                                   set sikuli_jar=D:\sikuli\sikuli-java.jar

                                                                    java -cp "robotframework-2.5.5.jar;%sikuli_jar%" ^
                                                                   -Dpython.path="libs" ^
                                                                   org.robotframework.RobotFramework ^
                                                                   --pythonpath=CalcLib ^
                                                                   --outputdir=results ^
                                                                   --loglevel=TRACE ^

Step-4   Run the robottest.bat file from the command prompt as "robottest.bat robot_suite\verify_operations.txt"

Now I get the following errors 

D:\myks_repo\Sikuli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration\calctest>robottest.bat robot_suite\verify_operations.txt
[ ERROR ] Invalid syntax in file 'd:\myks_repo\sikuli-and-robot-framework-integration\calctest\robot_suite\verify_operations.txt' in table 'Settings': Importing test library 'calc.Calculator' failed: ImportError: No module named sikuli
PYTHONPATH: [u'CalcLib', 'D:\\myks_repo\\Sikuli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration\\calctest\\robotframework-2.5.5.jar\\Lib\\robot\\libraries', 'libs', 'D:\\myks_repo\\Sikuli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration\\calctest\\Lib', 'D:\\myks_repo\\Sik
uli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration\\calctest\\robotframework-2.5.5.jar\\Lib', '__classpath__', '__pyclasspath__/', '.']
CLASSPATH: robotframework-2.5.5.jar;D:\BR_Validation\Automation\sikuli\sikuli-java.jar
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\myks_repo\Sikuli-and-Robot-Framework-Integration\calctest\robotframework-2.5.5.jar\Lib\robot\utils\importing$py.class", line 94, in _import
  File "CalcLib\calc.py", line 2, in <module>
    from sikuliwrapper import *
  File "CalcLib\sikuliwrapper.py", line 2, in <module>
    from logger import *
  File "CalcLib\logger.py", line 5, in <module>
    from sikuli.Sikuli import *
Verify Operations
Verify that 2 + 2 = 4                                                 | FAIL |
No keyword with name 'Start App' found.
Verify that 2 + 2 = 5                                                 | FAIL |
No keyword with name 'Start App' found.
Click on non-existent button "Exp"                                    | FAIL |
No keyword with name 'Start App' found.
Verify Operations                                                     | FAIL |
3 critical tests, 0 passed, 3 failed
3 tests total, 0 passed, 3 failed
Output:  d:\myks_repo\sikuli-and-robot-framework-integration\calctest\results\output.xml
Report:  d:\myks_repo\sikuli-and-robot-framework-integration\calctest\results\report.html
Log:     d:\myks_repo\sikuli-and-robot-framework-integration\calctest\results\log.html

How do I proceed further?

Any advice to set it up will be much appreciated.



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