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Re: [Question #263782]: Help needed for getting xlrd to work


Question #263782 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

RaiMan proposed the following answer:
testing with 1.0.1 and xlrd 0.9.3:
does not work at all for me (might be problem with the bundled Jython 2.5)

using SikuliX 1.1.0 I do not have any problems.
additional advantage: xlrd is already bundled and works out of the box.

So I recommend to give version 1.1.0 a try.
All you need and need to know is on the nightly build page:

carefully read top down!

remove everything from environment pointing to SikuliX 1.0.1!

- create a new folder for version 1.1.0  
- download setup…jar to here
- double click
- select option 1 
 - click setup
and wait until it has finished.

double click sikulix.jar to start the IDE.

import xlrd
book =  xlrd.open_workbook("some.xls")

if you have any problems, come back

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