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Message #31563
Re: [Question #264649]: how to bring window forward whose region I know?
Question #264649 on Sikuli changed:
Status: Open => Answered
RaiMan proposed the following answer:
As already mentioned in your other question:
Sikuli generally does not know anything about apps and GUIs, it is just pixels.
App.focusedWindow() is just a hack, to get the coordinates and size of
the topmost window IN THAT MOMENT.
so a later reg.highlight() DOES NOT highlight the window (might be moved
or hidden meanwhile), but the region you have stored earlier in reg.
to bring hidden windows back to front, you can use App.focus("part of
window title")
When working with more than one window in a script, take care, that
always for each window some part stays visible, so you simply might
click there to get it back to front.
Another possibility is to use the window menu (alt-space).
... and finally you might use any external tool like autoit or
powershell utilised from inside your scripts using run() or the
subprocess model.
You still seem to work with X-1.0RC3 - might be time to try out version
1.1.0 (
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