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Re: [Question #265776]: Is it possible to join a multiline string using python regex in Sikuli??


Question #265776 on Sikuli changed:

RaiMan posted a new comment:
I made a faq, that should explain some of your doubts:
faq 2711

If you are sure, that what you get from clipboard only contains ascii
characters, the this is the easiest approach:

Names = str(App.getClipboard());

then you could just forget about unicode in the following workflow.

If you have to be aware of unicode from the clipboard, then you simply
have to take care, that all variables are unicode afterwards.

Names = App.getClipboard();
# ... convert Names to a list
Names2 = [u'corazona', u'paflio']
NamesSelected = [i for i, v in enumerate(Names) if v not in Names2]

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