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[Question #266645]: ImportError in "from org.sikuli.basics import Debug", no module named sikuli


New question #266645 on Sikuli:

As a precursor, I'm a total jython newbie. I've set up a series of sikuli scripts to run through all the basics of my software, and now I'm trying to create a unittest framework with python/jython.

I am using sikuli 1.1 on OSX. When I try to run the test file, "mytest.py", I get an error that I can't figure out how to fix: 

Erichs-MacBook-Pro:Sikuli-1.1 erich$ jython mytest.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "mytest.py", line 6, in <module>
    from sikuli.Sikuli import *
  File "/Users/erich/Library/Application Support/Sikulix/Lib/sikuli/sikuli.py", line 6, in <module>
    from org.sikuli.basics import Debug
ImportError: No module named sikuli

Here is the beginning of the "mytest.py" file:

import sys
myScriptPath = "/Users/erich/Desktop/Sikuli-1.1"
sikuliPath = "/Users/erich/Library/Application Support/Sikulix/Lib/sikuli"
if not myScriptPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(myScriptPath)
if not sikuliPath in sys.path: sys.path.append(sikuliPath)
from sikuli.Sikuli import *
import unittest
import Batchview_basic

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