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Message #32406
[Question #266981]: opencv match score doesn't eqaul on android with PC
New question #266981 on Sikuli:
I tried to use opencv matchTemplate to repeat the result of Sikuli Finder.
The opencv version is 2.4.10 (
And the code is
Mat img = Highgui.imread("/data/local/tmp/dotahome.png",1);
Mat img2 = Highgui.imread("/data/local/tmp/war.png",1);
Mat res = new Mat();
Imgproc.matchTemplate(img, img2, res, Imgproc.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED);
Core.MinMaxLocResult m = Core.minMaxLoc(res);
Log.i(TAG, "maxVal = " + m.maxVal);
Log.i(TAG, "maxLoc = " + m.maxLoc.x + "," + m.maxLoc.y);
and the output is
maxVal = 0.9522626996040344
maxLoc = 648.0,583.0
And the following codes is used in Sikulix version 2015-01-16_01:10nightly
f = Finder("dotahome.png")
f.find("war.png" )
if (f.hasNext()):
m =
print m
print m.getScore()
print m.x, m.y
The result is
M[648,582 88x34]@S(S(0)[0,0 1920x1080]) S:0.92 C:692,599 [0/0 msec]
648 582
The score and location are different between opencv on Android and Sikulix.
Would you please help on solving the difference?
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