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[Question #268741]: Accessing different language pack using Tesseract


New question #268741 on Sikuli:


I tried downloading the sikuli 1.1.0 from this page http://nightly.sikuli.de/ but still I am not getting option to set the language using Setting.OcrLanguage.

Under Settings i could see only Settings.OcrTextSearch,Settings.OcrTextRead .

More over, the import org.sikuli.script.TextRecognizer.reset()...is not working as it was saying 'The method reset() is undefined for the type TextRecognizer'.

My scenario is:

(i)I need to run my test in using different language pack such as eng and swedish.

(ii) Also I observed even the english characters(lowercase) are not read exactly as how it is given....sometime  sikuli reads 'c' as 'o' and 'i' as 'l'.  In there is any workaround to read the characters exactly as it is present in the screen.

Kindly help us is this regard.

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