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[Question #269336]: Text OCR related question


New question #269336 on Sikuli:


I am using Sikuli for scraping text fron screen.
I am on version 1.0 rc3

I am having good success so far in terms of recognition itself.

However, the use case I have is to specifically identify text that ends with a colon. This will help me specifically tag text with greater accuracy and I need to find text on either side of colon (:)

I am using Region.text() the get me all text tokens from a screen region.

However I see that during the OCR process, it specically filters out the colon from the image.
I can see this from the intermediary files created (xxx-lineblobs.vlog.png has the colon and then the subsequent processed output xxx-lineblobs-filtered.vlog.png has it removed)

This is very critical in my processing step.
Is there any way I can configure for this to be considered as another character and be retained in the OCR results.


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