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[Question #269375]: Load Script


New question #269375 on Sikuli:

Have read and tried many of the questions and answers but still cannot get the load script to work
Each time I made a change I closed and restarted the IDE.

Script1 tried with and without the ".sikuli extention
from sikuli import *
popup("hello, I am script1")
    if we_are_in_rerun:
        print "Lets see which ",
        print "In run"
    print "In Exception"
    we_are_in_rerun = True
    import script2.sikuli
    #import script2

Script 2
from sikuli import *
popup("hello, I am script2")
print "hello, I am script2" 

popup - hello, I am script1 - Appears

IDE Messages :-
In Exception
[error] script [ Script1 ] stopped with error in line 12
[error] ImportError ( script2.sikuli has no script2.py )

I expect its something simple but I am baffled

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