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[Question #272071]: I'm new in Jython and Sikuli


New question #272071 on Sikuli:

If some one help me with my problem - would be nice and +1 in karma.
Code with sikuli for automation install application.

- I have the following piece of code in eclipse:

from sikuli.Sikuli import *
import logging
import time
logging.basicConfig(format = u'%(filename)s[LINE:%(lineno)d]# %(levelname)-8s [%(asctime)s]  %(message)s', level = logging.DEBUG)
SCREEN = Screen(0)
myApp = App("Select Setup Language")
i = ("D:\example\workspace\JythonSikuli\src\Images\Knopka_OK_NumberOK.png")
focusWindow = myApp
Region.click(myApp, i)

and I get the following error when running:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\example\workspace\JythonSikuli\src\Lenguage_Select.py", line 10, in <module>
    Region.click(myApp, i)
TypeError: click(): self arg can't be coerced to org.sikuli.script.Region

Please let me know if you're having any idea of what I'm doing wrong.

Thanks a lot!

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