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Message #35651
[Question #274798]: Use of the additional .py file created on export executable
New question #274798 on Sikuli:
When my team exports an executable of a .sikuli script, besides creating the .skl file, the IDE creates a .py file with its named being a composition of the .sikuli folder complete name and the .sikuli folder without the .sikuli extension. It contains the exact python script of the sikuli script created by the user.
For example:
TestSomething.sikuli (project) (generated file)
I've seen the code and the export action creates that file, we tried to execute our tests deleting that files and we found they are, in our terms, useless, so maybe that files were created to be used in development phase.
So my question is, this files are needed by sikuli, if they are useless, can you, please, remove the line in the IDE code were they are created?
Thank you very much and keep working.
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