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Re: [Question #660578]: Unable to type email adresse with special caracter (@) - French Keyboard


Question #660578 on Sikuli changed:

    Status: Answered => Open

Srinivasulu is still having a problem:
RaiMan, thanks for your quick answer. I tried the alt + n1 combination
from the decimal code for @. Normally, I need to enter dec 64 to get @
symbol. When I do that I'm getting the characters for 6 and 4
indivually, but not getting the charecter for 64.

Here is the code:

Scenario 1:

type(Key.NUM6 + Key.NUM4, KeyModifier.ALT)

Output:  ♠♦

Scenario 2:

type(KeyModifier.ALT, Key.NUM6 + Key.NUM4)

Output: 64

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