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Re: [Question #668673]: FindFailed why?


Question #668673 on Sikuli changed:

Description changed to:
Im trying to do something really simple here.

I though this reads like

1.    if picture exist, click it, if not go to line 2
2.   wait 10 seconds
3.    if picture exist, click it,  if not go to line 2
4.   wait 4 seconds.
and so on.

But I get wired find failed errors all the time. Clear sold and relist
are dynamic pictures, meaning they dont always show up.

The script works fine if all picture show up, but files as soon as line
5 and 7 pictures are missing.

[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L(715,74)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] but after move is L(716,73)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running: Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application. You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.

[log] CLICK on L(715,74)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (535 msec)

[log] CLICK on L(1282,741)@S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] (532 msec)

[error] script [ webapp_relist_all_v2 ] stopped with error at line --unknown--
[error] Error caused by: Traceback (most recent call last): File "F:\scripts\webapp_relist_all_v2.sikuli\webapp_relist_all_v2.py", line 5, in <module> exists,click("1525601189398.png") Line 2782, in file Region.java 
at org.sikuli.script.Region.wait(Region.java:2782)
at org.sikuli.script.Region.find(Region.java:2329)
at org.sikuli.script.Region.getLocationFromTarget(Region.java:3238)
at org.sikuli.script.Region.click(Region.java:3736)
at org.sikuli.script.Region.click(Region.java:3721)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor23.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
org.sikuli.script.FindFailed: FindFailed: 1525601189398.png: (78x37) seen at (1539, 197) with 1.00 in S(0)[0,0 1920x1080] E:Y, T:3.0 Line 2782, in file Region.java

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