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[Question #672521]: Save file (JfileChooser) problem


New question #672521 on Sikuli:


I got this code:

	choose_save_file = JFileChooser()
	ret_save = choose_save_file.showSaveDialog(None)
	if ret_save == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
		save_select = choose_save_file.getSelectedFile()
		file_path = save_select.getAbsolutePath()		
		file_directory = save_select.getCanonicalPath()		
		pathios = file_directory		
		final_file_name = File(file_path)
		file_out = FileOutputStream(final_file_name)

When I run it from sikuli ide and I save a file is working..
When I export my jar from sikuli ide option and run it, it's not saving the file..

The same is also for loading a file..

	if ret == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION:
		fileoptions = chooseFile.getSelectedFile()
		pathios = fileoptions.getAbsolutePath()

		getProps = Properties()
		input = FileInputStream(pathios)
		get_check_collect = check_collect_a_enable.getText()
                get_remove_ = check_remove_a_enable.getText()

I read something about policy file but seems not working when I extract my jar..
Please any help?????

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