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Re: [Question #675373]: [HowTo] make a simple loop with "exists image" and "click image"? (Sikuli)


Question #675373 on Sikuli changed:

David Borghi posted a new comment:
Hello, RaiMan. :)

Thank you so much for your attention and for being so fast on the

I already tried both tutorials but still couldn't figure out. I mean,
I've tried to adapt those examples to my "flow" (?) but It just doesn't
go right.

Would you mind answering some questions so I can know If my projects are
viable or not?

If so...

1. Which is better and which option will give less delay: running two
scripts separately (is it possible) or running one script with all

2. Is it possible to make a condition where the script would only be
activated in case "x" image exists?

The script I'm running is really simple, It consists: 

exists("1539972965985.png", FOREVER)
exists("1539963812444.png", FOREVER)

I have two scripts that are exactly the same, the only things are
different, are the images, would be possible to combine them in a single
script without one being negatively affected by the other? I mean,
without the script pressing two buttons when he should just press one?

I'm sorry for all the confusion and for all the inconvenience. 
I'm not trying to be a lazy person, I swear I'm not, I just couldn't understand from the other examples. 

Thank you for all your time and your patient.

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