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Re: [Question #680591]: First time sikuli user, after download and run, it crashes.


Question #680591 on Sikuli changed:

Bryan posted a new comment:
Hello Sir,

here's the log output:

C:\Users\Testcom1\Downloads\Bryan\Test Automation\installers\sukuli2>java -jar "sikulix (2).jar" -v
[DEBUG] IDE: starting
[DEBUG] IDE: no extensions.txt nor valid content
[DEBUG] IDE: moving to extensions: C:\Users\Testcom1\Downloads\Bryan\Test Automation\installers\sukuli2\jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar
[DEBUG] IDE: adding extension: C:\Users\Testcom1\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Extensions\jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar
[DEBUG] IDE: Running: C:\Users\Testcom1\Downloads\Bryan\Test Automation\installers\sukuli2\sikulix (2).jar
[DEBUG] IDE: AppData: C:\Users\Testcom1\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
[DEBUG] IDE: Classpath: C:\Users\Testcom1\Downloads\Bryan\Test Automation\installers\sukuli2\sikulix (2).jar;C:\Users\Testcom1\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Extensions\jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar
[DEBUG] IDE: no extensions.txt nor valid content
[203 debug] RunTimeINIT: temp folder ok: C:\Users\Testcom1\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_1587496721
***** show environment for 1.1.4-SNAPSHOT-#288-2019-04-20_14:08 IDE
user.home: C:\Users\Testcom1
user.dir (work dir): C:\Users\Testcom1\Downloads\Bryan\Test Automation\installers\sukuli2
user.name: testcom1
java.io.tmpdir: C:\Users\Testcom1\AppData\Local\Temp
running 64Bit(amd64) on w (10.0) from a jar
java 8 version 1.8 vm 25.211-b12 class 52.0 arch 64
app data folder: C:\Users\Testcom1\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
executing jar: C:\Users\Testcom1\Downloads\Bryan\Test Automation\installers\sukuli2\sikulix (2).jar
*** classpath dump sikulix
  0: file:/C:/Users/Testcom1/Downloads/Bryan/Test%20Automation/installers/sukuli2/sikulix%20(2).jar
  1: file:/C:/Users/Testcom1/AppData/Roaming/Sikulix/Extensions/jython-standalone-2.7.1.jar
*** classpath dump end
***** show environment end
[604 debug] init user preferences
[604 debug] IDE: running with Locale: en_US
[DEBUG] IDE: --- Sikuli parameters ---
[DEBUG] IDE: 1: -v
[604 debug] HotkeyManager: add Capture Hotkey: CTRL+SHIFT 2 (50, 3)
[651 debug] HotkeyManager: add Abort Hotkey: ALT+SHIFT C (67, 9)
[651 debug] IDE: Init ScriptingSupport
[666 debug] IDESupport: enter
[3367 debug] Runner: added: PowerShell [ps1] text/powershell
[3367 debug] Runner: added: Sikulix [sikuli] directory/sikulix
[3367 debug] Runner: added: Text [txt] text/text
[4086 debug] Runner: added: JavaScript [js] text/javascript
[4498 debug] Runner: added: Jython [py] text/jython
[4498 debug] Runner: added: NetworkRunner [] NET
[4498 debug] IDESupport: added: Jython
[4498 debug] IDESupport: added: JavaScript
[4498 debug] IDESupport: added: Text
[4498 debug] IDESupport: exit: defaultrunner: Jython (py)
[4498 debug] IDE: Reading Preferences
[4498 debug] Screen: initScreens: starting
[4498 debug] Screen: Accessing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
[4498 debug] Screen: Accessing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()
[4498 debug] Screen: ScreenDevice 0 has (0,0) --- will be primary Screen(0)
[4514 debug] Screen: Monitor 0: (0, 0) 1366 x 768
[4514 debug] Screen: initScreens: ending
[4514 debug] IDE: Adding components to window
[4532 debug] [I18N] menuRecent
[4555 debug] [I18N] menuToolAndroid
[4558 debug] IDE: creating tabbed editor
[4698 debug] IDE: creating message area
[5120 debug] EditorConsolePane: starting redirection to message area
IDE terminated: returned: 0

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