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Message #57010
[Question #696244]: Cant Start Sikulix on a especcific machine
New question #696244 on SikuliX:
I've been using Sikulix for a while, but now I couldn't manage to make it work on a PC of a friend.
I have made a folder on C: with alltogether (IDE, ruby & Jython)
Installed Java 64Bit:
java version "1.8.0_281"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_281-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.281-b09, mixed mode)
Runned this linke on a Admin CMD:
java -jar C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar -v -c
Got this results:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>java -jar C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar -v -c
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: Running: C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: AppData: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: starting with classpath: C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar ...
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: no extensions.txt nor valid content
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: moving to extensions: C:\Automator2\jruby-complete-
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: moving to extensions: C:\Automator2\jython-standalone-2.7.2.jar
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: adding extension file: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Extensions\jruby-complete-
[error] FileManager: writeStringToFile: did not work: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\lastUsedJar.txt
C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\lastUsedJar.txt (O sistema não pode encontrar o caminho especificado)
[308 debug] RunTime:temp folder ok: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_1956071623
Options: *** options dump
Options: testing =
Options: OptionsFile = C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\SikulixOptions.txt
Options: *** options dump end
***** show environment for 2.0.5 API
user.home: C:\Users\LENOVO
work dir: C:\WINDOWS\system32
running on Windows 10.0 from a jar
running Java Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_281-b09 C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Temp
app data folder: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
executing jar: C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump sikulix
0: file:/C:/Automator2/sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump end
***** show environment end
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: *********************** leaving start
[11 debug] Sikulix: starting IDE
[25 debug] RunTime:temp folder ok: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_1736765290
Options: *** options dump
Options: testing =
Options: OptionsFile = C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\SikulixOptions.txt
Options: *** options dump end
***** show environment for 2.0.5 IDE
user.home: C:\Users\LENOVO
work dir: C:\WINDOWS\system32
running on Windows 10.0 from a jar
running Java Oracle Corporation 1.8.0_281-b09 C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Temp
app data folder: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
executing jar: C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump sikulix
0: file:/C:/Automator2/sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
1: file:/C:/Users/LENOVO/AppData/Roaming/Sikulix/Extensions/jruby-complete-
*** classpath dump end
***** show environment end
[186 debug] IDE: running with Locale: pt_BR
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: --- Sikuli parameters ---
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: 1: -v
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: 2: -c
[190 debug] HotkeyManager: add Capture Hotkey: CTRL+SHIFT 2 (50, 3)
[323 debug] HotkeyManager: add Abort Hotkey: ALT+SHIFT C (67, 9)
[324 debug] IDE: Init ScriptingSupport
[326 debug] IDESupport: enter
[2050 debug] Runner: added: SikulixJar [jar] text/jar
[2052 debug] Runner: added: Sikulix [] directory/sikulix
[2052 debug] Runner: init: class org.sikuli.script.runners.AbstractLocalFileScriptRunner: warning: not possible
[2053 debug] Runner: added: NetworkRunner [] NET
[2053 debug] Runner: added: Text [txt] text/text
[2060 debug] Runner: added: Jython [py] text/jython
[2071 debug] Runner: added: JRuby [rb] text/ruby
[2071 debug] Runner: added: SikulixExecutableJar [executablejar] text/jar
[2072 debug] Runner: added: PowerShell [ps1] text/powershell
[2072 debug] Runner: added: PackedSikulix [zip] application/zip
[2072 debug] Runner: added: PackedSikulix [skl] text/skl
[2073 debug] IDESupport: added: Jython
[2073 debug] IDESupport: added: JRuby
[2074 debug] IDESupport: added: Text
[2074 debug] IDESupport: exit: defaultrunner: Jython (py)
[2076 debug] IDE: Reading Preferences
[2079 debug] IDE: Adding components to window
[2090 debug] IDE: [I18N] menuRecent
[2104 debug] IDE: [I18N] menuToolAndroid
[2106 debug] IDE: creating tabbed editor
[2174 debug] IDE: creating message area
[2270 debug] IDE: creating combined work window
[2275 debug] IDE: Putting all together
[2275 debug] IDE: Putting all together - after main pane
[2324 debug] IDE: Putting all together - after toolbar
[2326 debug] IDE: Putting all together - before layout
[2360 debug] IDE: Putting all together - after layout
[2362 debug] IDE: Putting all together - Restore last Session
[2369 debug] EditorPane: created 1616679232062
[2379 debug] JythonRunner: starting initialization
[2382 debug] RunTime:resourceLocation: (class /Lib
[2382 debug] RunTime:resourceList: having jar: jar:file:/C:/Automator2/sikulixide-2.0.5.jar!/Lib
[2398 debug] EditorPane: InitTab: (text/jython)
[2403 debug] ImagePath: new BundlePath: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_1736765290\SikulixIDETempTab1616679232062
[2410 debug] Screen: initScreens: starting
[2411 debug] Screen: Accessing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
[2411 debug] Screen: Accessing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()
[2412 debug] Screen: ScreenDevice 0 has (0,0) --- will be primary Screen(0)
[2412 debug] Screen: Monitor 0: (0, 0) 1874 x 1170
[2412 debug] Screen: Monitor 1: (3280, 128) 1080 x 1920
[2414 debug] Screen: initScreens: monitor mouse check
[2417 debug] Screen: *** checking: R[0,0 1874x1170]@S(0) center: (937, 585) --- OK
[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: MouseInfo.getPointerInfo invalid
after move to L[3820,1088]@S(1)
[error] Mouse: not possible to get mouse position (PointerInfo == null)
[error] Mouse: not possible to get mouse position (PointerInfo == null)
[4947 debug] RunTime:files exported: 1192 from: Lib to:
[6022 debug] Jython: added as Jython::sys.path[0]:
[6024 debug] Jython: ***** sys.path
0: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_1736765290\SikulixIDETempTab1616679232062
1: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Lib\site-packages
2: C:\Users\LENOVO\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Lib
3: C:\Automator2\Lib
4: C:\Automator2\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar\Lib
[6154 debug] JythonRunner: ready: version 2.7.2
Could someone help me?
What should I do to make it work ?
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