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Re: [Question #696244]: Cant Start Sikulix on a especcific machine


Question #696244 on SikuliX changed:

Andrew Metzger posted a new comment:
Hello Raimund,

I have the same issue as Vitor describes. Hopefully this information
will help.

On my Windows 10 machine, my log launching the SikuliX IDE 2.0.5 looks
very similar, and gets stuck at the loading banner. I have tested IDE
2.0.5 with the bundled Jython 2.7.2 and also  with the external Jython
JAR provided at https://repo1.cmaven.org/maven2/org/python/jython-

Using AdoptOenJDK 8, 11, or 16 makes no difference. Removing and
reinstalling Java does not help. Between tests, I remove the following
SikuliX artifacts to "reset" the IDE:

Registry keyus: HKCU:\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\org\sikuli\ 
File: %TEMP%\s_i_k_u_l_i-ide-isrunning
Folder: %TEMP%\Sikulix-*\ (recursive)
Folder: %APPDATA%\Sikulix\ (recursive)

and still I have the issue Vitor described.

Here is a log from command "java -jar sikulixide-2.0.5.jar -v -c":

PS C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli> java -jar sikulixide-2.0.5.jar -v -c
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: Running: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: AppData: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: starting with classpath: sikulixide-2.0.5.jar ...
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: no extensions.txt nor valid content
[error] FileManager: writeStringToFile: did not work: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\lastUsedJar.txt
C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\lastUsedJar.txt (The system cannot find the path specified)
[171 debug] RunTime:temp folder ok: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_986341258
Options: *** options dump
Options: testing =
Options: OptionsFile = C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\SikulixOptions.txt
Options: *** options dump end
***** show environment for 2.0.5 API
user.home: C:\Users\Andrew
work dir: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
running on Windows 10.0 from a jar
running Java AdoptOpenJDK 16+36
java.io.tmpdir: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp
app data folder: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
executing jar: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump sikulix
  0: sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump end
***** show environment end
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: *********************** leaving start
[39 debug] Sikulix: starting IDE
[58 debug] RunTime:temp folder ok: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp\Sikulix_1281421063
Options: *** options dump
Options: testing =
Options: OptionsFile = C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\SikulixStore\SikulixOptions.txt
Options: *** options dump end
***** show environment for 2.0.5 IDE
user.home: C:\Users\Andrew
work dir: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
running on Windows 10.0 from a jar
running Java AdoptOpenJDK 16+36
java.io.tmpdir: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Local\Temp
app data folder: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix
executing jar: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump sikulix
  0: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
  1: sikulixide-2.0.5.jar
*** classpath dump end
***** show environment end
[283 debug] IDE: running with Locale: en_US
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: --- Sikuli parameters ---
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: 1: -v
[DEBUG]startUp: IDE: 2: -c
[295 debug] HotkeyManager: add Capture Hotkey: CTRL+SHIFT 2 (50, 3)
[397 debug] HotkeyManager: add Abort Hotkey: ALT+SHIFT C (67, 9)
[398 debug] IDE: Init ScriptingSupport
[405 debug] IDESupport: enter
[2109 debug] Runner: added: NetworkRunner [] NET
[2115 debug] Runner: added: Jython [py] text/jython
[2116 debug] Runner: init: class org.sikuli.script.runners.AbstractLocalFileScriptRunner: warning: not possible
[2117 debug] Runner: added: SikulixJar [jar] text/jar
[2117 debug] Runner: added: PackedSikulix [skl] text/skl
[2118 debug] Runner: added: Text [txt] text/text
[2119 debug] Runner: added: SikulixExecutableJar [executablejar] text/jar
[2119 debug] Runner: added: PowerShell [ps1] text/powershell
[2120 debug] Runner: added: PackedSikulix [zip] application/zip
[2120 debug] Runner: added: Sikulix [] directory/sikulix
[2120 debug] IDESupport: added: Jython
[2121 debug] IDESupport: added: Text
[2122 debug] IDESupport: exit: defaultrunner: Jython (py)
[2124 debug] IDE: Reading Preferences
[2124 debug] IDE: Adding components to window
[2133 debug] IDE: [I18N] menuRecent
[2148 debug] IDE: [I18N] menuToolAndroid
[2152 debug] IDE: creating tabbed editor
[2256 debug] IDE: creating message area
[2324 debug] IDE: creating combined work window
[2327 debug] IDE: Putting all together
[2328 debug] IDE: Putting all together - after main pane
[2401 debug] IDE: Putting all together - after toolbar
[2404 debug] IDE: Putting all together - before layout
[2454 debug] IDE: Putting all together - after layout
[2456 debug] IDE: Putting all together - Restore last Session
[2458 debug] IDE: Restore scripts from last session
[2459 debug] IDE: Restore Sikuli script: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
[2470 debug] EditorPane: created 1616768129126
[2484 debug] EditorPane: loadfile: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
[2488 debug] JythonRunner: starting initialization
[2496 debug] RunTime:resourceLocation: (class org.sikuli.script.support.RunTime) /Lib
[2498 debug] RunTime:resourceList: having jar: jar:file:/C:/Users/Andrew/Documents/GitHub/my-tests.sikuli/sikulixide-2.0.5.jar!/Lib
[2528 debug] EditorPane: InitTab: (text/jython)
[2529 debug] SikuliEditorKit.read
[2588 debug] ImagePath: new BundlePath: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
[2589 debug] EditorPane: setFiles: for: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
[error] ImagePath: find: not there: gui_welcome_login.png
[2628 debug] ImagePath: ImagePath has 1 entries (valid 1)
[2628 debug] ImagePath: BundlePath: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
[2643 debug] Screen: initScreens: starting
[2644 debug] Screen: Accessing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment()
[2645 debug] Screen: Accessing: GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getScreenDevices()
[2646 debug] Screen: ScreenDevice 0 has (0,0) --- will be primary Screen(0)
[2646 debug] Screen: Monitor 0: (0, 0) 1536 x 864
[2649 debug] Screen: Monitor 1: (-2560, -653) 2560 x 1440
[2654 debug] Screen: initScreens: monitor mouse check
[2678 debug] Screen: *** checking: R[0,0 1536x864]@S(0) center: (768, 432) --- OK
[2703 debug] Screen: *** checking: R[-2560,-653 2560x1440]@S(1) center: (-1280, 67) --- OK
[error] RobotDesktop: checkMousePosition: should be L[228,738]@S(0) - but is not!
Possible cause in case you did not touch the mouse while script was running:
 Mouse actions are blocked generally or by the frontmost application.
You might try to run the SikuliX stuff as admin.
[2729 debug] Screen: initScreens: ending
[error] Region(1089,941,37,150) outside any screen - subsequent actions might not work as expected
[5345 debug] RunTime:files exported: 1192 from: Lib to:
[6902 debug] Jython: added as Jython::sys.path[0]:
[6904 debug] Jython: ***** sys.path
 0: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli
 1: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Lib\site-packages
 2: C:\Users\Andrew\AppData\Roaming\Sikulix\Lib
 3: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli\Lib
 4: C:\Users\Andrew\Documents\GitHub\my-tests.sikuli\sikulixide-2.0.5.jar\Lib
[7099 debug] JythonRunner: ready: version 2.7.2

Do you need any other information? Please advise, what can be done to solve this issue?

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