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[Question #696411]: waitBest returning Null pointer exception


New question #696411 on SikuliX:

we are passigng an array of image names and it is returning null exception
Image Names: ['ExtensionPinDropDownFeat', 'ExtensionPinDropDownLocal']
waitTime: 5

2021-04-06 05:10:16,897 INFO Image Names: ['ExtensionPinDropDownFeat', 'ExtensionPinDropDownLocal']
2021-04-06 05:10:16,907 INFO waitTime: 5
2021-04-06 05:10:18,260 ERROR Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\p4\Automations\FeatTests\FEAT\Web Capture\Browser Integration\Frictionless_ChromeExtn\TestFiles\CompressPDFClick.sikuli\CompressPDFClick.py", line 22, in <module>
  File "C:\p4\Automations\FeatTests\FEAT\Web Capture\Browser Integration\Frictionless_ChromeExtn\TestFiles\AddExtension.py", line 146, in openChromeAndAddExtension
  File "C:\p4\Automations\FeatTests\FEAT\Web Capture\Browser Integration\Frictionless_ChromeExtn\TestFiles\AddExtension.py", line 67, in addExtension
  File "C:\p4\Automations\FeatTests\Common\UIAutomation\acrobat.sikuli\findObj.py", line 188, in getObjectByImage
    obj= searchImage(name,regionToSearch,waitTime)
  File "C:\p4\Automations\FeatTests\Common\UIAutomation\acrobat.sikuli\findObj.py", line 104, in searchImage

debug logs
[debug] Region: Key.WIN as modifier
[debug] ( Windows )  TYPE "#UP."
[debug] Region: ( Windows )  TYPE "#UP."
[debug] OCR: start: Tess4J 4.5.4 using Tesseract 4.1.x
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1920x1080)
[debug] Finder2: doFindText: Home found: 1 times (3108 msec) 
[debug] highlight M[16,54 43x14]On(0) S 93 for 1.0 secs
[debug] highlight R[10,70 1536x1010]@S(0) for 1.0 secs
[debug] Region: wait: waiting 0.0 secs for  to appear in R[10,70 1536x1010]@S(0)
[debug] Region: doFind: Switching to TextSearch
[debug] OCR: start: Tess4J 4.5.4 using Tesseract 4.1.x
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindText: Rich Media123 (1682 msec): not found
[debug] Region: handleFindFailed: 	Rich Media123	
[debug] Region: wait:  did not appear [1682 msec]
[debug] waitBest: enter
[debug] findAnyCollect: waiting for SubFindRuns
[debug] Image: reused: RichMediaToolsLocal.png (file:/C:/Perf/Work/Groups/AntiPirates/PDFNext/Automations/FeatTests/FEAT/Unified%20Share/UI_Automation/TestFiles/AcroUIImageRepo/RichMediaToolsLocal.png)
[debug] Image: reused: RichMediaToolsFeat.png (file:/C:/Perf/Work/Groups/AntiPirates/PDFNext/Automations/FeatTests/FEAT/Unified%20Share/UI_Automation/TestFiles/AcroUIImageRepo/RichMediaToolsFeat.png)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: 3BYTE_BGR (105x91)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: 3BYTE_BGR (104x88)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 204 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 204 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 194 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 194 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 200 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 200 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 186 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 186 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 201 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 201 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 195 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 195 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 205 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 205 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 187 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 187 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 208 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 208 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 194 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 194 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 194 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 194 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 184 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 184 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 171 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 171 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 162 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 162 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 208 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 208 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 193 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 193 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 205 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 205 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 187 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 188 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 242 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 242 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 212 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 213 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 277 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 277 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 267 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 268 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 277 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 277 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 230 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 230 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 230 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 230 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 217 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 217 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 257 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 258 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 229 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 229 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 267 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 267 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 274 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 274 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 256 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 256 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 247 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 247 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %32.0198 (?70) 366 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 366 msec
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %30.2462 (?70) 352 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 352 msec
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 126.2426 mean: 705.851617)
[debug] Finder2: makeMat: INT_RGB (1536x1010)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: start (stdDev: 121.0247 mean: 709.128938)
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %100.0000 (?70) 318 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 318 msec
[debug] waitAnyCollect: first SubFindRun finished
[debug] highlight M[1282,253 104x88]On(0) S 10000 for 1.0 secs
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: in original: %82.6407 (?70) 282 msec 
[debug] Finder2: doFindImage: end 282 msec

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