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Re: [Question #700741]: [2.0.5] SikuliX IDE: RobotFramework support --- not available --- will be back in 2.0.6


Question #700741 on SikuliX changed:

Description changed to:
workaround until 2.0.6

- try with the 2.0.6 SNAPSHOTS after March 5th until final availability

Steps that are needed anyways:
- download the zip from https://github.com/robotframework/robotframework/archive/refs/tags/v4.1.3.zip
- put the unzipped folder somewhere (no restrictions)
- in your SikuliX environment find the sites.txt in the Lib folder
- in sites.txt add a line <base-folder>/robotframework-4.1.3/src (Windows use \)

This will allow the Jython scriptrunner to have the robot stuff on

To check run in the IDE:
for e in sys.path: print e

the robot src folder should be on position 2


I am using SikuliX 2.0.5 on MacOS Catalina. I am trying to run a Robot
script in the Sikuli IDE. It doesn't give me any errors but it doesn't
do anything either.

*** Variables ***
*** Settings ***
Library           ./inline/Exp2LoginTest
*** Test Cases ***
Test Exp2 Login
    Test Login

class Exp2LoginTest(object):
    def test_login(self):
        click ("FullAccount.png")

This is saved as Exp2LoginTest.sikuli

The documentation says it's switched off until further notice but the line below it says it's valid until versions 2.0.x
Is this expected to work?

Thanks in advance for any help on my issue!

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