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Re: [Question #703916]: How to loop entire Script


Question #703916 on SikuliX changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

Manfred Hampl proposed the following answer:
What you need can be found by a web search for "python while".

running = True

def runHotkey(event):
    global running
    running = False

Env.addHotkey(Key.ESC, KeyModifier.SHIFT+KeyModifier.CTRL, runHotkey)

while running:
    (all commands to be repeated need to be indented by the same amount of whitespace)

Remark: You have to make sure, that the hotkey that you select does not
conflict with hotkeys in other programs, especially in the operating
system. As far as I know, on a Windows system ctrl-shift-esc starts the
task manager and this has precedence, so that key combination does not
work in Sikulix on Windows.

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