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Re: [Question #195997]: Share a script with others


Question #195997 on SikuliX changed:

NounouRs requested more information:
It's 2022, and I'm searching almost the same thing, but without any environment problem. This part is all good.
I have one Linux fully ready to run sikuli (and where I cooked the script). And one windows, same.

> java -jar path-to-sikuli-script.jar path-to-a-script.sikuli\

doesn't work... well it doesn't open or run (I don't know what i should

It just open sikuli like it was at last session.

My goal would be to give a command that either runs the script on any
machine, or opens the project in sikulix on any machine.

On the other hand, I see stuff to "package" the script and a standalone
thing (but it's not clear what's official). Is that what's recommanded

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