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Re: [Question #707356]: hide command prompt when launching sikuli


Question #707356 on SikuliX changed:

    Status: Open => Answered

muhammad ehnaf proposed the following answer:
To hide the command line altogether and prevent it from staying open after launching Sikuli, you can use the start command in the Windows command prompt. Replace cmd /K with start /B in your command, like this: start /B "" cmd /C cd C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-14.0.2\bin && java -jar "C:\p4\AUTOMA~1\FEATTE~1\Common\UIAUTO~1\sikulixapi-2.0.5.jar" -r "C:\p4\AUTOMA~1\FEATTE~1\FEAT\Viewer\Menu\TESTFI~1\ValidateFileMenu.sikuli" --args "C:\Users\labuser\AppData\Local\Temp\JFEAT_~1\Menu\VALIDA~2\sikuliOutput_1689069030374.txt" "Exchange-Pro" "Trunk" "" ""
By adding start /B "" before your original command, the command prompt will be hidden while Sikuli is running. The /B switch ensures that the command is started without creating a new window.

With this modification, you should no longer see the command prompt
window after launching Sikuli. try https://aestheticfont.online/

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