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[Question #817669]: Text based Recognition Document


New question #817669 on SikuliX:

Hi folks,

I'm trying to use text based recognition in SikuliX. Since, I'm in a state where I can't use image based recognition. I could able to recognize some texts that are in higher font size, known formats like Times New Roman but I couldn't recognize some even though they are in the visible places. Did anyone faced this? And if you share any proper documentation for this text based recognition that would be great.

Here's what I have tried:

String path = "Administrators/Akhil";
		    String[] pathArray = path.split("/");
		    for (String value : pathArray) {
		        System.out.println("Checking value: " + value);
		        boolean found = false;
		        int scrollCount = 0;
		        while (!found && scrollCount < maxScrollAttempts) {
		            try {
		                // Find the text within the defined region
		                org.sikuli.script.Match matchValue = searchRegion.findText(value);
		                if (matchValue != null) {
		                    matchValue.find(value).offset(-28, 0).hover();
		                    found = true;
		                    System.out.println("Found and clicked on target element: " + value);
		                } else {
		                    System.err.println("Text not found: " + value);
		                    // Scroll down if not found
		                    screen.wheel(1, 10);
		                    // Small delay
		                // Delay between scroll attempts
		            } catch (FindFailed e) {
		                System.err.println("Error finding text: " + value);
		            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
		                System.err.println("Interrupted while waiting: " + e.getMessage());
		} catch (Exception e) {
		} finally {
		    System.out.println("Execution complete.");

Tried directly as images for few, as a single String, and as String Array.

Thanks in advance.

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