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[info] Project Reinitialization


Hello members of SpeechControl. If it hasn't been noticed, SpeechControl
has not only gone upstream; it is now under new management. That management
is the *Synthetic Intellect Institute*. The project has now been managed by
its original head of development (myself) and will be managed by them until
I step down from development in 2013 (or some time around then). The goal
and ideas of SpeechControl will be posted on
http://www.thesii.org/wiki/SpeechControl with its own Techbase. It has a
Launchpad project page at https://www.launchpad.net/speechcontrol so
developers can dive in and learn about what's going on.

As part of this message, I'd like to know who is still willing to work on
some aspect of SpeechControl. Developers, documentators, testers,
designers, bug triagers, the whole nine yards. Just reply so we'd know
where to put you and what work can be given.

One Vision. One Purpose.
We are the Synthetic Intellect Institute
contact@xxxxxxxxxx :: http://www.thesii.org/ :: #sii on FreeNode

Jacky Alcine, *Head Developer of the Wintermute and the SpeechControl
http://jackyalcine.co.cc :: jacky.alcine@xxxxxxxxxx ::

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