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Messages sent to the spreadubuntu mailing list, ordered by date from the newest to oldest.
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Re: [Question #48736]: Video Implementation
From: minmin, 2024-12-27
Re: [Question #59577]: How can we get ubunutu sponsorship for our new free software/ open source group?
From: Jake Witherspoon, 2024-11-29
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: JuliusGray, 2024-11-29
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Sylvia Kim, 2024-11-28
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: RonnieBourget, 2024-11-28
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Ayang Jiso, 2024-11-18
Re: [Question #48736]: Video Implementation
From: Patrick Dean, 2024-11-15
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ali khan, 2024-11-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ali khan, 2024-11-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ali khan, 2024-11-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ali khan, 2024-11-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ali khan, 2024-11-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ali khan, 2024-11-12
Re: [Question #59577]: How can we get ubunutu sponsorship for our new free software/ open source group?
From: Ethan Finn, 2024-10-30
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Johnathon Elliss, 2024-10-29
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Johnathon Elliss, 2024-10-28
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ibrahamjacob, 2024-10-24
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: Zena Decker, 2024-10-21
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: benij, 2024-10-17
Re: [Question #59577]: How can we get ubunutu sponsorship for our new free software/ open source group?
From: Hudson, 2024-10-14
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ibrahamjacob, 2024-10-12
Re: [Question #59577]: How can we get ubunutu sponsorship for our new free software/ open source group?
From: eirajeremy, 2024-10-11
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Amber Rose, 2024-10-06
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: charlie, 2024-10-01
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: charlie, 2024-10-01
Re: [Question #48290]: License choice? which ones?
From: caitlynbarrows, 2024-10-01
Re: [Question #48736]: Video Implementation
From: Apne Tv, 2024-09-26
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: charlie, 2024-09-25
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Hudson, 2024-09-21
Re: [Question #74684]: SpreadUbuntu Webpage Translation in Dutch
From: Hudson, 2024-09-21
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Rick, 2024-09-19
Re: [Question #103220]: Translation to Portuguese of Brazil (pt-Br).
From: braxton05, 2024-09-19
Re: [Question #103220]: Translation to Portuguese of Brazil (pt-Br).
From: Piers Jackson, 2024-09-18
Re: [Question #74684]: SpreadUbuntu Webpage Translation in Dutch
From: Louis Cummings, 2024-09-17
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: faisbeam, 2024-09-13
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: faisbeam, 2024-09-13
Re: [Question #48290]: License choice? which ones?
From: melvinhaws, 2024-09-11
Re: [Question #59577]: How can we get ubunutu sponsorship for our new free software/ open source group?
From: alisamartin, 2024-09-11
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: yearning8033, 2024-09-07
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: LucyCoffee, 2024-08-22
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Sonia Hinton, 2024-08-15
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Birth and Beyond, 2024-08-10
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: pio saelly, 2024-08-10
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: charlie, 2024-08-06
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: EmmaAlva, 2024-08-06
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: mikkimarcus, 2024-08-05
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: ariellrd, 2024-07-25
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: faisbeam, 2024-07-24
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: faisbeam, 2024-07-24
Re: [Question #48076]: What languages should be included?
From: ariellrd, 2024-07-24
Re: [Question #55996]: como instalar atheros 820.11 en aspire one
From: brazilian, 2024-07-22
Re: [Question #82210]: French language unavailable
From: brazilian, 2024-07-22
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: brazilian, 2024-07-22
Re: [Question #55996]: como instalar atheros 820.11 en aspire one
From: Aaron Mott, 2024-07-12
Re: [Question #74684]: SpreadUbuntu Webpage Translation in Dutch
From: EricFelix, 2024-07-12
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Aaron Mott, 2024-07-12
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: TimothyLeonard, 2024-07-11
Re: [Question #76257]: Double entry - one upload
From: Joy Eaton, 2024-07-11
Re: [Question #59577]: How can we get ubunutu sponsorship for our new free software/ open source group?
From: nerrussel, 2024-07-05
Re: [Question #48736]: Video Implementation
From: Ariel Floyd, 2024-07-02
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Grace Gordan, 2024-06-29
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: karinass123, 2024-06-25
Re: [Question #816208]: Where to find a wedding palace in Tbilisi?
From: Onersa Covas, 2024-06-10
Re: [Question #816208]: Where to find a wedding palace in Tbilisi?
From: Zeerok, 2024-06-10
Re: [Question #816208]: Where to find a wedding palace in Tbilisi?
From: Zeerok, 2024-06-10
[Question #816208]: Where to find a wedding palace in Tbilisi?
From: Onersa Covas, 2024-06-10
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Lucy Fleming, 2024-05-27
Re: [Question #74684]: SpreadUbuntu Webpage Translation in Dutch
From: David Andrew, 2024-05-25
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: dry firewood, 2024-05-21
Re: [Question #812419]: How to choose a dedicated server?
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2024-05-18
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: eirajeremy, 2024-05-09
[Question #812531]: What is the best betting strategy in sport?
From: nomasit, 2024-05-07
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: jenniferbrowns, 2024-04-26
Re: [Question #74684]: SpreadUbuntu Webpage Translation in Dutch
From: Jonah Byrd, 2024-04-23
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Jon, 2024-04-18
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Celoxis PPM, 2024-04-18
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Celoxis PPM, 2024-04-18
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: meeloun education, 2024-04-15
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: mariakenneth, 2024-04-13
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: Kenna Anna, 2024-04-12
Re: [Question #82210]: French language unavailable
From: Lindsey Bird, 2024-04-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: William Anthony, 2024-03-28
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: Shawn Richardson, 2024-03-14
Re: [Question #82210]: French language unavailable
From: oilu miun, 2024-02-23
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: lovely lula, 2024-02-22
Re: [Question #78956]: "OS Specific" categorization
From: polin kuer, 2024-02-20
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Vicky White, 2024-02-19
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Bekean loinse, 2024-02-16
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: amelie zilber, 2024-02-03
Re: [Question #78956]: "OS Specific" categorization
From: Neil Gibson, 2024-01-18
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: Kathy Barrera, 2023-12-28
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: mollyharboe, 2023-12-19
Re: [Question #82210]: French language unavailable
From: Kathy Barrera, 2023-12-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Faux Jacket, 2023-12-11
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: alex rodrigez, 2023-11-30
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Tony Curry, 2023-11-22
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Jessica Milligan, 2023-11-20
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: bettyking, 2023-11-15
Re: [Question #76257]: Double entry - one upload
From: evawillms, 2023-10-26
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: peter shawn, 2023-10-19
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: peter shawn, 2023-10-19
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: peter shawn, 2023-10-19
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: dorothyconnor, 2023-09-14
[Bug 279664] Re: "Make materials" needs content
From: Isabelle Ross, 2023-09-05
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Mark Halland, 2023-07-19
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Kathy Barrera, 2023-06-28
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: busan khan, 2023-05-19
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: busan khan, 2023-05-18
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Maya Claire, 2023-05-18
Re: [Question #78956]: "OS Specific" categorization
From: Kathy Barrera, 2023-05-11
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: Kathy Barrera, 2023-05-10
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: Kathy Barrera, 2023-05-10
Re: [Question #76233]: Multilingual behavior
From: Danima Kaliko, 2023-05-06
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Danima Kaliko, 2023-05-06
Re: [Question #103220]: Translation to Portuguese of Brazil (pt-Br).
From: Adam Soler, 2023-05-02
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Ryaner Stokes, 2023-04-28
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: david marco, 2023-04-18
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: david marco, 2023-04-18
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Athi G, 2023-03-21
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: dario hill, 2023-03-21
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Jason Leen, 2023-03-14
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: George Byrd, 2023-03-07
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: George Byrd, 2023-03-07
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: busan khan, 2023-03-03
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Buster Leech, 2023-03-01
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Gaven Rank, 2023-02-13
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Brian Franklin, 2023-01-14
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Dtc Force, 2023-01-03
Re: [Question #76257]: Double entry - one upload
From: Haleema Sultan, 2022-12-25
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Giancarlo Esposito, 2022-12-20
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: james william, 2022-12-14
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Emma Avaa, 2022-12-13
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: jamie hudson, 2022-12-12
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Ella Elizabeth, 2022-12-12
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Osborn Tyler, 2022-11-20
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Jacklin Albert, 2022-11-11
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Jacklin Albert, 2022-11-11
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Zak Brooks, 2022-11-04
[Question #703635]: From where can you ask to take ideas? Does your concept be completely new to the market?
From: Samantha Jones, 2022-10-28
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Sarah ali, 2022-08-30
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Hazel Audrin, 2022-08-22
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Jacklin Albert, 2022-08-22
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Buster Leech, 2022-08-18
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Kenneth Hyatt, 2022-08-10
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Steward Campbell, 2022-08-09
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: roop Jank, 2022-08-04
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: kevin, 2022-08-03
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Max Fox, 2022-07-27
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: morgan Albert, 2022-07-25
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: Robinson Ruby, 2022-05-11
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: darrenbailey894, 2022-05-08
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: Glenn Burch, 2022-04-26
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: John Smith, 2022-04-18
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Halena Bob, 2022-03-17
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Frensis, 2022-02-18
Re: [Question #76257]: Double entry - one upload
From: Monica Phillpa, 2022-01-24
Re: [Question #50885]: Would SpreadUbuntu be interested in presentations?
From: Ayesha Anees, 2022-01-24
Re: [Question #698693]: Learndash and Gamipress LearnDash are WordPress plugins that provide LMS functionality for creating courses on your website using the same Udemy architecture. The upside,
From: Grant Peter, 2021-12-31
Re: [Question #698693]: Learndash and Gamipress LearnDash are WordPress plugins that provide LMS functionality for creating courses on your website using the same Udemy architecture. The upside,
From: Stephen Peter, 2021-11-26
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: oliviaclark, 2021-10-04
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Hania Amir, 2021-09-30
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Esha Fatima, 2021-09-30
Re: [Question #698693]: Learndash and Gamipress LearnDash are WordPress plugins that provide LMS functionality for creating courses on your website using the same Udemy architecture. The upside,
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2021-09-26
Re: [Question #145174]: Georgian Language (ka_GE) for SpreadUbuntu.org
From: Angelo Peter, 2021-09-25
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Angelo Peter, 2021-09-25
Re: [Question #698693]: Learndash and Gamipress LearnDash are WordPress plugins that provide LMS functionality for creating courses on your website using the same Udemy architecture. The upside,
From: shawn kemp, 2021-09-10
[Question #698693]: Learndash and Gamipress LearnDash are WordPress plugins that provide LMS functionality for creating courses on your website using the same Udemy architecture. The upside,
From: shawn kemp, 2021-09-10
Re: [Question #698693]: Learndash and Gamipress LearnDash are WordPress plugins that provide LMS functionality for creating courses on your website using the same Udemy architecture. The upside,
From: shawn kemp, 2021-09-10
spreadubuntu.org site is empty
From: Shrinivasan T, 2021-07-29
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Emanuel Rice, 2021-07-29
Unable to log in to SpreadUbuntu website
From: Elizabeth K. Joseph, 2016-05-25
Re: [Question #268106]: Advertising Ubuntu Touch/Ubuntu Smartphones in magazine & permission
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2015-06-29
[Question #268106]: Advertising Ubuntu Touch/Ubuntu Smartphones in magazine & permission
From: Joshua V., 2015-06-13
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Torsten Franz, 2015-04-26
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Torsten Franz, 2015-04-26
Re: [Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Evan Boldt, 2015-04-26
[Question #265874]: Is it possible to add 14.10 and 15.04 to the releases?
From: Torsten Franz, 2015-04-25
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: Evan Boldt, 2012-06-09
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: Giuseppe Maxia, 2012-06-07
Re: [Question #197005]: Should "spreadubuntu" be translated?
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2012-05-28
[Question #197005]: Should "spreadubuntu" be translated?
From: Şâkir Aşçı, 2012-05-12
Re: [Question #188405]: How to add "book" for bookpage sites on languages other than English?
From: Launchpad Janitor, 2012-03-08
[Question #188405]: How to add "book" for bookpage sites on languages other than English?
From: nagylebowski, 2012-02-21
Re: Proposed interface/workflow changes for SpreadUbuntu
From: Paolo Sammicheli, 2012-02-02
Re: Proposed interface/workflow changes for SpreadUbuntu
From: Paolo Sammicheli, 2012-02-02
Proposed interface/workflow changes for SpreadUbuntu
From: Rubén Romero y Cordero, 2012-02-01
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: EduardoR - La Nave, 2012-01-04
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: EduardoR - La Nave, 2012-01-04
Re: [Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: Evan Boldt, 2012-01-04
[Question #183650]: How to report spam/abuse?
From: EduardoR - La Nave, 2012-01-03
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: Paolo Sammicheli, 2011-11-22
Re: [Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: Evan Boldt, 2011-11-12
[Question #178428]: ubuntu brandmark approval
From: olivia, 2011-11-11
Launchpad: maintain your project's translations import queue
From: matthew . revell, 2011-08-10
Re: [ubuntu-marketing] [Ubuntu-advertising] Not much activity .....
From: Benjamin Donald-Wilson, 2011-07-28
Re: [Ubuntu-advertising] Not much activity .....
From: Barry Drake, 2011-07-27
Re: [Ubuntu-advertising] Not much activity .....
From: Rubén Romero y Cordero, 2011-07-27
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: Evan Boldt, 2011-03-09
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ప్రవీణ్ యిళ్ళ, 2011-03-09
Re: [Question #148016]: How can i translate SpreadUbuntu in my Local Language
From: ప్రవీణ్ యిళ్ళ, 2011-03-07
200 of 478 messages, page 1 |
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