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Apache og ASP



Jeg har været ved at installere et ASP modul til Apache, og har efter en

lang og besværlig, men tilsidst vellykket installation tilføjet følgende

til min access.conf

     ## INSERT INTO Apache *.conf file, probably access.conf


     <Location /asp/>

     ## mandatory

     # Generic apache directives to make asp start ticking.
     SetHandler perl-script
     PerlHandler Apache::ASP

     # Global
     # ------
     # Must be some writeable directory.  Session and Application
     # state files will be stored in this directory, and
     # as this directory is pushed onto @INC, you will be
     # able to "use" and "require" files in this directory.
     # Included files may also be in this directory, please see
     # section on includes for more information.
     PerlSetVar Global /tmp

     ## optional flags

     # CookiePath
     # ----------
     # Url root that client responds to by sending the session cookie.
     # If your asp application falls under the server url "/ASP",
     # then you would set this variable to /ASP.  This then allows
     # you to run different applications on the same server, with
     # different user sessions for each application.
     PerlSetVar CookiePath /

     # AllowSessionState
     # -----------------
     # Set to 0 for no session tracking, 1 by default
     # If Session tracking is turned off, performance improves,
     # but the $Session object is inaccessible.
     PerlSetVar AllowSessionState 1

     # SessionTimeout
     # --------------
     # Session timeout in minutes (defaults to 20)
     PerlSetVar SessionTimeout 20

     # Debug
     # -----
     # 1 for server log debugging, 2 for extra client html output
     # Use 1 for production debugging, use 2 for development.
     # Turn off if you are not debugging.
     PerlSetVar Debug 2

     # BufferingOn
     # -----------
     # default 1, if true, buffers output through the response object.
     # $Response object will only send results to client browser if
     # a $Response->Flush() is called, or if the asp script ends.  Lots
     # output will need to be flushed incrementally.
     # If false, 0, the output is immediately written to the client,
     # CGI style.
     # I would only turn this off if you have a really robust site,
     # since error handling is poor, if your asp script errors
     # after sending only some text.
     PerlSetVar BufferingOn 1

     # StatINC
     # -------
     # default 0, if true, reloads perl libraries that have changed
     # on disk automatically for ASP scripts.  If false, the www server
     # must be restarted for library changes to take effect.
     # A known bug is that any functions that are exported, e.g. confess

     # Carp qw(confess), will not be refreshed by StatINC.  To refresh
     # these, you must restart the www server.
     PerlSetVar StatINC 1

     # SessionSerialize
     # ----------------
     # default 0, if true, locks $Session for duration of script, which
     # serializes requests to the $Session object.  Only one script at
     # a time may run, per user $Session, with sessions allowed.
     # Serialized requests to the session object is the Microsoft ASP
     # but is dangerous in a production environment, where there is risk

     # of long-running or run-away processes.  If these things happen,
     # a session may be locked for an indefinate period of time.  A user

     # STOP button should safely quit the session however.
     PerlSetVar SessionSerialize 0

     # SoftRedirect
     # ------------
     # default 0, if true, a $Response->Redirect() does not end the
     # script.  Normally, when a Redirect() is called, the script
     # is ended automatically.  SoftRedirect 1, is a standard
     # way of doing redirects, allowing for html output after the
     # redirect is specified.
     PerlSetVar SoftRedirect 0

     # NoState
     # -------
     # default 0, if true, neither the $Application nor $Session objects

     # be created.  Use this for a performance increase.  Please note
     # this setting takes precedence over the AllowSessionState setting.

     PerlSetVar NoState 0

     # StateDir
     # --------
     # default $Global/.state.  State files for ASP application go to
     # this directory.  Where the state files go is the most important
     # determinant in what makes a unique ASP application.  Different
     # configs pointing to the same StateDir are part of the same
     # ASP application.
     # The default has not changed since implementing this config
     # The reason for this config option is to allow OS's with caching
     # file systems like Solaris to specify a state directory separatly
     # from the Global directory, which contains more permanent files.
     # This way one may point StateDir to /tmp/asp, and make one's ASP
     # application scream with speed.
     PerlSetVar StateDir ./.state

     # StateManager
     # ------------
     # default 10, this number specifies the numbers of times per
     # that timed out sessions are garbage collected.  The bigger the
     # the slower your system, but the more precise Session_OnEnd's will

     # run from global.asa, which occur when a timed out session is
cleaned up,
     # and the better able to withstand Session guessing hacking
     # The lower the number, the faster a normal system will run.
     # The defaults of 20 minutes for SessionTimeout and 10 times for
     # StateManager, has dead Sessions being cleaned up every 2 minutes.

     PerlSetVar StateManager 10

     # Filter
     # ------
     # default Off.  With filtering enabled, you can take advantage of
     # full server side includes (SSI), implemented through Apache::SSI.

     # SSI is implemented through this mechanism by using
     # A sample configuration for full SSI with filtering is in the
     # eg/.htaccess file, with a relevant example script
     # You may only use this option with modperl v1.16 or greater
     # and PERL_STACKED_HANDLERS enabled.  Filtering may be used in
     # conjunction with other handlers that are also "filter aware".
     # With filtering through Apache::SSI, you should expect at least
     # a 20% performance decrease, increasing as your files get bigger,
     # increasing the work that SSI must do.
     PerlSetVar Filter On

     # PodComments
     # -----------
     # default 1.  With pod comments turned on, perl pod style comments
     # and documentation are parsed out of scripts at compile time.
     # This make for great documentation and a nice debugging tool,
     # and it lets you comment out perl code and html in blocks.
     # Specifically text like this:
     # =pod
     # text or perl code here
     # =cut
     # will get ripped out of the script before compiling.  The =pod and

     # =cut perl directives must be at the beginning of the line, and
     # be followed by the end of the line.
     PerlSetVar PodComments 1


     ## END INSERT


Når jeg så genstarter Apache med

/etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start

kommer den med følgende

Starting httpd:
Syntax error on line 108 of /etc/httpd/conf/access.conf:
Invalid command 'PerlHandler', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a
module not included in the server configuration

Hvad skal man gøre ved det???

Jeg kan ikke finde noget i README filen om det.

Follow ups