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Re: realaudio til linux


>>>>> "TS" == rensen  <Thomas> writes:

TS> hej findes der et tekstbaseret program der kan afspille realaudio filer?
TS> /thomas 


About: TRPlayer is a RealMedia player for Linux which has a command-line
interface instead of a graphical interface. This makes it fully accessible to
blind users and others who can't use the GUI or prefer the text
interface. trplayer supports all media formats supported by RealPlayer 7
(RealAudio, RealVIdeo, MP3, etc.). In presentations which involve video and
other visual media, trplayer plays the audio and discards the rest.

 Matthew Campbell


Hvis man bruger en OSS driver, kan man bruge vsound til at lave en MP3 eller
OGG fil. vsound er en kommando.

   Niels Elgaard Larsen
   Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
   E-mail: elgaard@xxxxxxx <URL:http://www.diku.dk/users/elgaard/>

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