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Re: [NEW IDEA] Mobile App Developer, anyone?


El 29/09/13 14:25, Ali Linx (amjjawad) ha escrit:
Hi Everyone,

Out of 51 members over here, is there anyone who knows how to create a
Mobile App for Android, Apple, Blackberry and/or Windows Mobile???

YES, I woke up and had THIS idea on mind.

A StartUbuntu Application on a Smart Phone with one and only purpose
that is spreading the word and telling the world about our Project? :D

DO NOT tell me you are not excited, I can see that into your eyes :D

THIS should be the fastest and the best way to spread a word in NO TIME!

Here at home, we have Blackberry, Android and iPad so I can use these
devices to test the App just in case.

The App will be called: StartUbuntu
We word in the description to make it so excited to download and use by
Windows Users
It will have a short life-story of Ubuntu and all its cousins (official
flavours) and of course some wallpapers and we don't need to worry,
Rafael has created a Wallpaper for each and every flavour :D

And, of course, a link for our Wiki just in case until our Web Site is
up and running.

ABOVE ALL, as long as we can just put the name of StartUbuntu on some
smart phones, this is a huge step that will help us a lot.

So, this app should NOT be hard or complicated. KISS (Keep It Simple and

What do you think?
Anyone can help in this?

I can help.

Atentament, cubells.

Tel: +34 659 06 36 14
web: vcubells.net
microblogging: identi.ca/cubells
xmpp: cubells@xxxxxxxxxx
