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startubuntu team mailing list archive

[IMPORTANT] Basic yet Important Points - Version 1


Hi Everyone,

Recently, I had to deal with some unpleasant surprise which I honestly have
no time nor any intention to deal with it, similar issues or anything that
could distract me and anyone else here from what we are all here about. The
biggest and hardest challenge for StartUbuntu is TIME and we don't have
much of it.

Having that said, there are few basic yet very important points everyone
here needs to be aware of:

   - As in any Project in the world, it has a leader/founder/driver. Since
   StarUbuntu is a Project, it is then no exception. Having that said,
   StartUbuntu's Leader is myself. Therefore, the structure of this Team is
   [One Project Leader + Project Members].
   - Each and every communications should be directed to me. Having that
   said, if you are willing to help off this mailing list (for example, send
   an email to anyone regarding StartUbuntu), you are required either to CC
   the whole list OR much easier to CC me. Failure of following such action
   will result to Lack of Communications and cause lots of negative impact
   that I don't even want to deal with nor have that on the first place.
   - You are required to go back to me or to put that right, you need to
   inform me about all your activities, plans, ideas, etc for StartUbuntu so
   that I can do the needful as the project lead and take the required action
   if necessary.
   - While this is a team that consists of more than one member, and while
   this is a community project has members from all around the world, it must
   run/work in a strong solid scheme and chain of steps. We are all required
   to work as a team. No hidden agenda. No individual actions. Nothing behind
   the scenes. Each and everyone is required and asked to share each and every
   thing over here on this mailing list. That is why we do have a mailing list.
   - Always ASK if you are in doubt. Do not base your action/reaction on
   personal assumption nor guess.
   - Disagree but do not disrespect.
   - This team and project needs Quality NOT Quantity. It is not about how
   many we are. It is all about what we are doing or willing to.
   - Membership of StartUbuntu Project on Launchpad, since day one, has a
   90-days subscription policy subject to renewal upon the request and desire
   of the member. Having that said, by default, members of the Launchpad Team
   will enjoy 90-days of subscription and they will have 10 days time period
   to renew their own subscription if desired (after the expiration of 90
   days). This is to ensure that this team has no ghost members and keep
   everyone active. This is a standard procedure and once a member, after 90
   days, renew his/her subscription, he/she will enjoy forever subscription.
   - Since you are a member of this Team and Project, you are required to
   be active and contribute. Contributions and/or Activities can be found
   here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu/Activities
   - You are required to understand everything about StartUbutnu Project
   before you join. If you have joined already, then please, do read:
   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StartUbuntu and if you have any Question, PLEASE

Please, if you have any question/doubt, don't hesitate to ask. Feel free
either to reply to ALL OR reply me directly. If you don't have any
question, that is great :)

Thank you for joining and helping with StartUbuntu Project. Your help and
support are highly appreciated and needed.

Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
Best Regards,
amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>