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Syncany v0.1.2-alpha: FTP/SFTP/WebDAV/S3 plugins, wildcards, proxy support and bugfixes


Hello again Syncany fans,

we've just released 0.1.2-alpha. Here are the release notes:

   - Developer/alpha release (*NOT FOR PRODUCTION USE!*)
   - Features:
      - Extracted non-core plugins, allow easy plugin installation through sy
      plugin (list|install|remove)
      /#104 <https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/issues/104>
         - Shipped plugins now only 'local'
         - Installable plugins:
         SFTP <https://github.com/syncany/syncany-plugin-sftp> (no host
WebDAV<https://github.com/syncany/syncany-plugin-webdav>(HTTP only),
         S3 <https://github.com/syncany/syncany-plugin-s3>
      - Ignore files using wildcards in .syignore (e.g. *.bak, *.r??)
      - Added Arch Linux 'syncany-git' package
      - Allow speicifying HTTP(S)/WebDAV proxy and other global system
      properties #109 <https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/issues/109>
   - Bugfixes
      - Fix semantic in TransferManager test() (incl. all plugins)
      /#102 <https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/issues/102>
      - WebDAV plugin fix to create "multichunks"/"databases" folder
      - Fix "Plugin not supported" stack trace
      - Windows build script fix for "Could not normalize path"
      - Fix database file name leak of username and hostname
      - Check plugin compatibility before installing (check appMinVersion)
      #104 <https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/issues/104>
      - Don't ignore local/remote notifications if sync already
running #88<https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/issues/88>
      - Uninstall plugins on Windows (JAR locked)
      /#117 <https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/pull/117>
      - Rotate logs to max. 4x25 MB
      - Fix multichunk resource close issue
      /#120 <https://github.com/binwiederhier/syncany/pull/120>

Download here: https://github.com/syncany/syncany/releases
Thanks very much to all the helpers and supporters!

Best regards