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Request to join the team to work on official Debian packages (in Debian)


Dear XBMC for Linux Team,

I have noticed the sad state of XBMC in Debian. I would like to join the
team to revive it.
I have uploaded [1] a delayed NMU to the version in experimental and I
would like to sponsor the upload [2] at mentors.d.o with a few changes.

Currently Ubuntu packages are not in my scope but with a good version in
Debian Ubuntu packages would be synced up soon automatically.

I'm a DD and I already maintain a few packages. I plan providing
back-ports for xbmc to not leave stable users behind. I do that with
wireshark, too.


[1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=728594#10
[2] http://mentors.debian.net/package/xbmc

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