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[Branch ~team4alfanous/alfanous/alfanous-git] Rev 275: remove alfanous-json.py (it's a duplicated copy of alfanous_json.py)


revno: 275
git commit: 3d52f0f2bc75a12e8c37e01841f6a2131f900304
committer: Assem Chelli <assem.ch@xxxxxxxxx>
timestamp: Sat 2012-06-23 18:34:26 +0100
  remove alfanous-json.py (it's a duplicated copy of alfanous_json.py)


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=== removed file 'src/alfanous-cgi/alfanous-json.py'
--- src/alfanous-cgi/alfanous-json.py	2012-06-07 20:04:43 +0000
+++ src/alfanous-cgi/alfanous-json.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- 
-##     Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Assem Chelli <assem.ch [at] gmail.com>
-##     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-##     it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
-##     the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-##     (at your option) any later version.
-##     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-##     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-##     GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
-##     You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
-##     along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-@author: assem chelli
-@contact: assem.ch [at] gmail.com
-@license: AGPL
-@todo: add  ID of requester for  better experience
-@todo: multithreading server-clients
-import cgi,cgitb,sys,urllib,re,json
-from sys import path
-from os import chdir,curdir,environ
-form = cgi.FormContentDict()
-from alfanous.main import *
-from alfanous.dynamic_ressources.arabicnames_dyn import ara2eng_names as Fields
-import gettext;
-gettext.bindtextdomain("alfanous", "./locale");
-n_ = gettext.ngettext
-aratable = {"sura":u"السورة", "aya_id":u"الآية", "aya":u"نص الآية"}
-ara = lambda key:aratable[key] if aratable.has_key(key) else key
-kword = re.compile(u"[^,،]+")
-keywords = lambda phrase: kword.findall(phrase)
-def Gword_tamdid(aya):
-    """ add a tamdid to lafdh aljalala to eliminate the double vocalization """
-    return aya.replace(u"لَّه", u"لَّـه").replace(u"لَّه", u"لَّـه")
-Translations={ u'ghomshei': u'Mahdi Elahi Ghomshei-Persian', u'indonesian': u'Bahasa Indonesia-Indonesian', u'noghmani': u'Noghmani-tt', u'korkut': u'Besim Korkut-Bosnian', u'makarem': u'Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi-Persian', u'osmanov': u'M.-N.O. Osmanov-Russian', u'amroti': u'Maulana Taj Mehmood Amroti-sd', u'ozturk': u'Prof. Yasar Nuri Ozturk-Turkish', u'shakir': u'Mohammad Habib Shakir-English', u'muhiuddinkhan': u'Maulana Muhiuddin Khan-bn', u'arberry': u'Arthur John Arberry-English', u'irfan_ul_quran': u'Maulana Doctor Tahir ul Qadri-ur', u'jalandhry': u'Jalandhry-ur', u'porokhova': u'V. Porokhova-Russian', u'kuliev': u'E. Kuliev-Russian', u'transliteration-en': u'Transliteration-English', u'pickthall': u'Mohammed Marmaduke William Pickthall-English', u'ansarian': u'Hussain Ansarian-Persian'}
- u'Mishary Rashid Alafasy': u'http://www.versebyversequran.com/data/Alafasy_128kbps',
- u'Ahmed_ibn_Ali_al-Ajamy (From QuranExplorer.com)': u'http://www.versebyversequran.com/data/Ahmed_ibn_Ali_al-Ajamy_64kbps_QuranExplorer.Com',
- u'Abdullah Basfar': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Abdullah_Basfar_192kbps',
- u'Menshawi (external source)': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Menshawi_32kbps',
- u'AbdulBasit AbdusSamad (Murattal style)': u'http://www.versebyversequran.com/data/Abdul_Basit_Murattal_192kbps',
- u'AbdulBasit AbdusSamad (From QuranExplorer.com)': u'http://www.versebyversequran.com/data/AbdulSamad_64kbps_QuranExplorer.Com',
- u'Hani Rifai': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Hani_Rifai_192kbps',
- u'Muhammad Ayyoub': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Muhammad_Ayyoub_128kbps',
- u'Husary': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Husary_128kbps',
- u'Hudhaify': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Hudhaify_128kbps',
- u'Abu Bakr Ash-Shaatree': u'http://www.versebyversequran.com/data/Abu Bakr Ash-Shaatree_128kbps',
- u'Ibrahim_Walk': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/English/Ibrahim_Walk_192kbps_TEST',
- u'Husary Mujawwad': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Husary_128kbps_Mujawwad',
- u'Saood bin Ibraaheem Ash-Shuraym': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Saood bin Ibraaheem Ash-Shuraym_128kbps',
- u'Saad Al Ghamadi': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Ghamadi_40kbps',
- u'Muhammad Ayyoub (external source)': u'http://www.everyayah.com/data/Muhammad_Ayyoub_32kbps'}
-def suggest(query):
-	""" return suggestions """
-	try:
-		text=json.dumps(QSE.suggest_all(unicode(query.replace("\\",""), 'utf8')).items())
-	except Exception:
-		 text ="null"
-	return text	
-def results(query, sortedby="score", fields=["sura", "aya_id", "aya"],page=1,highlight="css",recitation="Mishary Rashid Alafasy",translation="None"):
-    """
-	return the results as json
-	@param fields : fields enabled to be shown
-	@return : the results with the type specified
-    """
-    res, termz = QSE.search_all(unicode(query.replace("\\",""), 'utf8') ,limit=1000, sortedby=sortedby)
-    terms = [term[1] for term in list(termz)]
-    #pagination
-    page=int(page)
-    startpage =(page-1)*PERPAGE
-    endpage=(page)*PERPAGE
-    end=endpage if endpage<len(res) else len(res)
-    start=startpage if startpage<len(res) else -1
-    reslist=[] if end==0 or start==-1 else list(res)[start:end]
-    output={}
-    if True:
-        H=lambda X:QSE.highlight(X, terms,highlight) if highlight!="none" and X else X if X else u"-----"
-        N=lambda X:X if X else 0
-        output["runtime"]="%2.5f" % res.runtime
-        output["suggestions"]= QSE.suggest_all(unicode(query.replace("\\",""), 'utf8')).items()
-        #print terms
-        words_output={}
-        matches=0
-        docs=0
-        cpt=1;
-        for term in termz :
-            if term[0]=="aya":
-                if term[2]:                
-                    matches+=term[2]
-                    docs+=term[3]
-                    words_output[str(cpt)]={"word":term[1],"nb_matches":term[2],"nb_ayas":term[3]}
-                    cpt+=1
-        words_output["global"]={"nb_words":cpt-1,"nb_matches":matches}
-        output["words"]=words_output;
-        #translations
-        trad_query=u"( 0"
-        for r in reslist :
-                trad_query+=" OR gid:"+unicode(r["gid"])+u" "
-        trad_query+=" )"+u" AND id:"+unicode(translation)
-        trad_res=TSE.find_extended(trad_query, "gid")
-        trad_text={}
-        for tr in trad_res:
-             trad_text[tr["gid"]]=tr["text"]
-        output["interval"]={"start":start+1,"end":end,"total":len(res)}
-        cpt = startpage
-        output["ayas"]={}
-        for r in reslist :
-            cpt += 1
-            output["ayas"][str(cpt)]={ 
-                      "aya":{
-                      		"id":r["aya_id"],
-                      		"text": Gword_tamdid(H(r["aya_"]) ),
-      				"text_uthmani": Gword_tamdid(H(r["uth_"]) ),
-                        	"traduction": trad_text[r["gid"]] if (translation!="None" and translation) else None,
-                        	"recitation":Recitations[recitation].encode("utf-8")+ "/" + "%03d%03d.mp3" % (r["sura_id"],r["aya_id"]),
-                        	#precedent aya
-                        	#next aya
-                      },
-            		"sura":{      
-            		"name":keywords(r["sura"])[0],
-		    		"id":r["sura_id"],
-		    		"type":r["sura_type"],
-		    		"order":r["sura_order"],
-                    "stat":{
-                            "ayas":r["s_a"],
-        		    		"words":N(r["s_w"]),
-        		    		"godnames":N(r["s_g"]),
-        		    		"letters":N(r["s_l"])
-                            }      		
-            		},
-                        "position":
-                        {
-                        	"manzil":r["manzil"],
-                        	"hizb":r["hizb"],
-                        	"rubu":r["rub"]%4,
-                        	"page":r["page"]
-                   	},
-                   	"theme":{
-			    		"chapter": r["chapter"],
-			    		"topic": r["topic"],
-			   		 "subtopic":r["subtopic"]  
-			 	   },
-			"stat":{
-					"words":N(r["a_w"]),
-            				"letters":N(r["a_l"]),
-            				"godnames":N(r["a_g"])
-			}       ,
-			"sajda": {
-            				"exist":(r["sajda"]==u"نعم"),
-            				"type":r["sajda_type"] if (r["sajda"]==u"نعم") else None,
-            				"id":N(r["sajda_id"]) if (r["sajda"]==u"نعم") else None,
-            			}
-            		}
-        return json.dumps(output)
-def about():
-	return json.dumps(
-			{
-			"engine":"Alfanous",
-			"version": "0.1",
-			"author": "Assem chelli", 
-			"contact": "assem.ch@xxxxxxxxx"	,
-			"wiki"	: "http://wiki.alfanous.org/doku.php?id=json_web_service";,	
-            "visits4search":visits4search()	
-			}
-            )
-def salam():
-    print unicode(json.dumps([u"سلام"].decode("utf-8") ));
-def visits4search():
-    f=open("visits.cpt","r+")
-    cpt=int(f.readline())
-    cpt+=1
-    f=open("visits.cpt","w+")
-    f.write(str(cpt))
-    return cpt
-QSE = QuranicSearchEngine("./indexes/main/")   
-if form.has_key("suggest"):
-    print "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" 
-    #Allow cross domain XHR
-    print 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
-    print 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET'
-    print 
-    print suggest(form["suggest"][0])	
-elif  form.has_key("search") :
-    print "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" 
-    #Allow cross domain XHR
-    print 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
-    print 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET'
-    print 
-    visits4search()
-    if form.has_key("sortedby"):
-        sortedby = form["sortedby"][0]
-    else: sortedby = "score"
-    if form.has_key("page"):
-        page = form["page"][0]
-    else: page = 1
-    if form.has_key("recitation"):
-        recitation = form["recitation"][0]
-    else: 
-        recitation = "Mishary Rashid Alafasy"
-    if form.has_key("highlight"):
-        highlight = form["highlight"][0]
-    else: highlight = "css"
-    if form.has_key("translation"):
-        translation = form["translation"][0]
-    else: translation = "None"
-    if form.has_key("fuzzy"):
-        QSE = FuzzyQuranicSearchEngine("./indexes/main/")   
-    print results(form["search"][0], sortedby=sortedby, highlight=highlight, recitation=recitation,page=page,translation=translation)
-elif form.has_key("list"):
-    print "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8" 
-    #Allow cross domain XHR
-    print 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'
-    print 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET'
-    print 
-    if form["list"][0]=="translations":
-        print json.dumps(Translations)
-    elif form["list"][0]=="recitations":
-        print json.dumps(Recitations)
-    elif form["list"][0]=="information":
-        print about()
-    elif form["list"][0]=="fields":
-        print json.dumps(Fields)
-    else:
-        print "choose <b>list=translations | recitations | information | fields</b>"
-    print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8\n\n" 
-    print 
-    print """
-    This is the <a href='http://json.org/'>JSON</a> output system of <a href="http://wiki.alfanous.org";>Alfanous</a> project .This feature is in Alpha test and the Json schema may be it's not stable . We are waiting for real feadbacks and suggestions to improve its efficacity,quality and stability. To contact the author ,please send a direct email to <b> assem.ch[at]gmail.com</b> or to the mailing list <b>alfanous [at] googlegroups.com</b>
-    <br/><br/> For more details  visit the page of this service <a href="http://wiki.alfanous.org/doku.php?id=json_web_service";>here</a>
-    """
-#print results("الحمد")