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OBI user-config


Hi everyone,
my initial testing with the user-config from OBI is GREAT!!!
I successfully added my new user, set the password and set up the
timezone properly.
It sets the timezone for the system in /etc/timezone as well as the
user's timezone in .profile
this way other users can configure different timezones if they feel it
is needed in their own .profile
the only thing I need to do is ensure the old user is deleted.

This is the first step to making OBI even more amazing.  And it already
works predictably and *almost* flawlessly  there is some issue I am not
taking care of in deleting the user... but this is really minimal
compared to the amazingness of not needing oem-config (which needs
ubiquity and a bunch of other stuff to be installed which makes our ISO
much much bigger)  this requires about 2.2KB more space.
It is simple, and effective.

I would like it to be prettier (not terminal based, but dialog entries) 
and may use sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzselect to get the timezone.  I will
be testing this today, and I will upload and relink the new ISO for
testing.  This will be a huge step forward.  I was planning on getting
the configuration finished for the Release Candidate.  With this
working, and once we get most bugs fixed this will be a VERY solid
beta.... basically our release, as there wont be much left to do.


ToriOS Team