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Message #00854
Re: Fixed menu
Den 2016-06-07 kl. 04:10, skrev Israel:
Hi all,
as you know there have been some rather silly issues we have encountered
in our quest to make the ISO smaller.
Anyhow, I tested this one and I had a menu, so please verify that it
works for you
zsync when you are ready!
Hi Israel,
I downloaded
7572260efaed597a3508e60ab5e68f30 ToriOS-2016-06-06-beta-jessie.iso
It still needs 'Reload Desktop' to show the whole menu. Otherwise it is
like before (illustrated by Jack and me for the previous iso file). This
is a minor bug, but it is ugly, and I suggest that you try to fix it.
The network widget is there in the panel, and the network works.
Should it be that people must run
to find the database of available applications? I'm only asking, not
demanding that it should be fixed, because I realize that you had to
remove things to make the iso file within CD size.
Shutdown in the menu is only shutdown, no reboot etc. Is this the
intention (simplied to decrease the size)?
Installing at the basic OBI level works.
Installing at the advanced OBI level works.
I created a tarball with zmktbl, but failed to install from that tarball
to another drive. There were some strange errors. I'll try again after
rebooting. (Maybe things were mixed up because I did not reboot between
zmktbl and the obi-installer.)
Yes, after saving the custom tarball to my main computer, rebooting into
ToriOS live and getting the custom tarball I could install a working
system from it :-)
It still needs 'Reload Desktop' to show the whole menu. Otherwise it is
like before (illustrated by Jack and me for the previous iso file).
I tested firstrun: it works to run ztweaks.
mkusb seems to work - I tested only the menus, not installing.
The tango palette is no longer set in sakura, so the prompt is grey
again. (minor bug - need not be fixed)
After next reboot the tango palette has survived, but it still needs
'Reload Desktop' to show the whole menu.
update & dist-upgrade works.
I think this daily iso file is very close to release - I would like the
menu to be complete without 'Reload Desktop' - otherwise it is fine :-)
Now let us wait for feedback from the other guys ...
Best regards
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