Hey all,
I thought I'd send a quick update on the reworked jwm settings manager,
mostly because I am excited at how well it has gone.
New features:
You can now actually move items around in the panel!!!
For example, if you want to move the indicators (the Dock for things
like nm-applet and volume, etc...) there are arrows in the panel
configuration tool that actually work, and will do this!
All the backend code is unified.
All dialogs are handled in a common file, and all system stuff is
handled in a single file
and all XML work is handled in a single file.
I am getting pretty close to being ready for some testing, but there are
a few little things left to make work that don't currently.
I also added the desktop-file-editor program in with
jwm-settings-manager to allow easy editing of the xdg autostart files
(eventually), and have a basic functioning UI in place.
Honestly I am pretty excited about this version, as I have finally been
able to squash some long time issues, and add some things in fully that
I wasn't able to in the past. There will probably be some bugs in this,
but it will be worth it, as so many things work so much better in this
early stage.