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Message #01488
Re: March Debian Testing ISO
Hi Israel,
Installed fine using graphical installer to VB. Auto-login worked this time and installing chromium browser worked fine via Common Tasks.
More testing later.
From: Torios-dev <> on behalf of Israel <israeldahl@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: 13 March 2018 5:08 PM
To: torios- dev
Subject: [Torios-dev] March Debian Testing ISO
Hey everyone,
You can zsync/download the latest ISO.
I have it named as ToriOS-Testing.iso
Here are the links!
All in one download and check:
ISO and manual md5sum
Paul noticed some issues with the user configuration dialogs in his testing, and those are fixed, but NOT in this ISO... they will be in the next build.
I also noticed I need to update JWM for this version... there may be some minor issues from this (jwm -p will complain about the 'Mouse' tag until I do update it)
AFAIK autologin works... at least it has the past 4-5 times for me on my VMs, so this is fixed.
Memory is now displayed properly in the text-mode-menu.
Things work pretty well now, and PAE installation should NOT show up, since Stretch does not have a non-PAE kernel.... neither does bionic for that matter.... which we may need to address at some point.
The 'firstrun' dialog should now actually work. If it doesn't:
sudo apt update && sudo apt -y full-upgrade && firstrun
And see if it works... I may not have gotten the update in (not sure I've rebuilt and tested and tweaked so much in the past few days I cannot say for sure if the update is in)
So... test and see how close we are!
Follow ups