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Re: Test - Melodie's message


On Sat, 1 Feb 2014 20:32:54 +0400
"Ali Linx (amjjawad)" <amjjawad@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi,
> Can you read this and reply?

Hello Ali,

I am happy for you that you have recovered and seem now to feel fine. 

I am not as happy about the way you have pushed things before you say "the project is ON
HOLD". I see that not many people have answered since you popped up a pair of days ago,
and mainly I can't work with a team leader who changes his mind – openbox or not openbox?
– and who changes targets: "be ready before April to help people with old boxes under
XP"  VS - "don't hurry! I can't follow you guys! I can' t run so fast!" VS "I am doing
this for fun". ???

This might look like a caricature but expresses perfectly how I have felt about it, not
to say about the drowning of the project as soon as you have told everybody that it is

Now just fancy a company. Let's say a startup, with… 17 persons engaged to work, some
have a role, and others are helpers to the people who have the main roles, and work in
their team. But now, the director, or the CO has a car accident and can't work for the
next 10 days. The question is: will the company stop working and close it's doors,
therefore putting all 17 + the CO + the director to unemployment, or will the next
helpers of the CO manage to keep it running?

Said otherwise it comes to William's post, “Subject: [Torios] ToriOS, moving forward.
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 17:04:53 -0600”. He said it well, and I agree with him about
asking you respectfully to step down from the leadership. 

Unless you leave the leadership of this project to him, or any other person who has
ability to let each one do his part of the job without trying to control them, I will not
continue to participate here.

William : I tell it to everyone on the list, I do agree with you, and I am still ok to
work on this project if Ali agrees with what you have asked him. If not, I will just
go back to the Bento Ubuntu Remix project, and work on some improvements I have thought 
about since some time.

To the other participants, please feel free to comment.

Best regards,


